2015年2月16日 星期一


A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
中国の象牙取引、「制御不能な状態」 保護団体が報告書

An animal protection group the "Save-the-elephant" recently released a report which suggested that illegal trading of ivory in China was "in a state that control is impossible", and if no aggressive measure were taken by China, there was a possibility that wild elephant would become extinct in a generation from now.

  It was announced in a press conference held in Nairobi of Kenya.

  According to the report the wholesale price of ivory in China rose three times in four years since 2010. The retail price in the years 2002-14 rose 13.5 times in Beijing and 8 times in Shanghai. When 275 stores in these two cities were checked, more than 78 % of the stores in Beijing and more than 89 % in Shanghai were in illegal business. The import in 2008 of 62 tons of ivory from elephants that died naturally was admitted exceptionally. The fact that the newly rich class had ignited the demand was being analyzed

  Ian Hamilton the founder of the said group pointed out that "100,000 elephants were killed for ivory in the past 3 years in Africa. China is holding the key on what will happen to the future of elephants".

  Concerning Chinese ivory dealings, an environmental protection group the "Environmental Research Agency" released a report last month saying that a Chinese group in March last year (2013), using a visit to Tanzanian by Xi Jinping the head of state, purchased a great deal of ivory and carried them in diplomatic bags in the personal plane of Mr. Xi. The Chinese government denied it as "groundless".

The fact that more than 78 % of the stores in Beijing and more than 89 % in Shanghai were in illegal business would beg the question that where do these ivory come from. 

