2013年5月2日 星期四


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:
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About the work "The Black Fog of Japan" by writer Seicho Matsumoto which described a man passing hints and information to the police in the so-called "Sorge Incident" espionage case, the publishing company would publish a revised edition of the work that would attach notes to make known that there was a testimony that denied the contents described etc.

In "The Black Fog of Japan", which was described as the nonfiction master piece of Seicho Matsumoto, the former executive of the Japan Communist Party Mr. Ritsu Ito passed information to the special political police and started the exposure of the espionage case the "Sorge incident" that occurred in Showa 16th year. Mr. Ito's bereaved family asked Bungeishunju, the publishing agency for correction of the contents on grounds that some testimony on the facts had come out etc.

According to Jun, the second son of Mr. Ito, it was said that Bungeishunju had accepted the consultation and would, when published the revised edition, attached notes to point out and make clear that there were testimonies from concerned people who regarded some opinion described in the work as questionable, and also that Mr. Ito had denied his involvement.

At a lecture held in the metropolitan area on the 20th Jun said that "I would like to evaluate and accept the appending of notes to the work. I would like to thank those who had worked for my father's rehabilitation".

As for "The Black Fog of Japan", a revised edition would be published as it had gone through more than five decades since its publication in Showa 36.

So the story of this non-fiction literature would be up-dated soon.

2 則留言:

  1. 這真是個好消息!有關伊藤氏的事件,中譯稱「出賣革命的男人--伊藤律」,《日本的黑霧》去年曾出版中文翻譯,期待往後和日本一樣也會有增訂版。

    1. 我都期待中文版一樣也有增訂版。
