2013年1月10日 星期四


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:





20121260000分 読売新聞)


On the 5th (December) the executive organ of the European Union (EU), the European Commission noted there was an international cartel that involved television cathode-ray tube sales etc. and thus breaking the EU competition law (Anti-Monopoly Law); seven companies in Japan, South Korea and Europe including Panasonic and Toshiba were charged with a find totaling about 1,470 million euros (about 157 billion yen).

  This became the highest amount of sanction ever imposed in a cartel incident by the European Commission.

  As for the fine imposed on the Japanese companies, Panasonic was about 157 million euros (about 16,800 million yen) and Toshiba was about 28 million euros (about 3 billion yen). Aside from this, fines were imposed on the subsidiaries of both companies noting their participations in the cartel.

  On the other hand, Panasonic announced the comment that "since there is a doubt on the application of the fact finding and the statute, the contents would be scrutinized;  a response would be considered with a view to making a legal challenge to the European Court of Justice."

So, a legal battle will drag on for some time before being settled.

