2012年3月22日 星期四


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
In China, the company executive director of a fish processing company in Onagawa city, Miyagi prefecture Mr. Mitsuru Sato (55 years old of that time) was reported as a "hero" etc. for the reason that he had evacuated the 20 Chinese trainees while he himself was killed during the East Japan great earthquake; the degree of favorable impression toward Japan had increased.
In the Sino-Japanese joint opinion poll done by Yomiuri Shimbun together with "The East Looking weekly" in China in October last year, on the China side the people who answered that Japan "was reliable" had reached 55%; this had been a sharp improvement from 15% conducted in 2010.
But, the Japanese people who answered China "was reliable" were only 11%, and that "it is not reliable" reached to 79%. Professor Jiang Yuechun of the China Institute of International Affairs pointed out that "because of obstacles, vexations over the understanding of history and over the territorial problems cannot be unravel easily among Japan and China. Just one incident cannot totally improve the situation".

It takes a long time to change one's impression on a country.

