2012年3月11日 星期日


Late last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:

On the 24th the Tokyo Institute of Technology announced that some data were found fabricated in the industry-university cooperation project which developed the next-generation fuel cell.
A male Chinese researcher who was researching the power generation performance of the fuel cell, etc. had made data to show a higher than actual efficiency. As this person had personally admitted to have connection with the matter, the same university decided to withdraw three papers containing fraudulent data and two patents.
The same university led this project in response to the commission from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). A total of 860 million yen was received in four years since 2008 for the development of a new catalyst for fuel cells.
When investigating the performance of the battery using the catalyst, Wu Libin the researcher (35) fabricated the data. It was known that a participating company pointed this out in September last year.

This news shocks me. I am interested to know the motive of this researcher.

