2011年1月28日 星期五


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

The corporation of Japan National Tourist Organization announced on the 26th that the number of foreign visitors to Japan in 2010 was about 8.61 million people, it was a great discount to 10 million people target.
Last year the government while working on the growth strategy, put forward the idea of using sightseeing to prop up the country, from the start it stumbled, the sightseeing agency put forward a new target target of 11 million people for 2011 for the purpose of recovering the lost grounds. However, when the 2011 sightseeing agency estimate was compared to the beginning of 2010, a 20% below the target could be expected, there were lots of difficulties in accomplishing the goal.
The sightseeing agency was analysing that, among the 1.39 million people that fell below the target of 2010, about 500,000 people were due to influences of the Chinese fishing boat collision event, together with the external factors such as yen appreciation etc. On the other hand, it was admitted that the remaining about 900,000 people were due to insufficient propaganda and the delay in maintaining the tourists receiving environment, due to the inadequate effort of the sightseeing agency.
The government showed the policy that assumed that the number of foreigners to visit Japan up to 2020 would be 25 million people, and would increase to 30 million in future.

Tourism would be a key industry for Japan in the coming decades.

