2010年6月19日 星期六


Recently Asahi News reported the following:

 元抑留者たちは、過酷な労働の対価が支払われなかったとして、日本政府に補償を長年求めてきた。しかし、政府は「戦後処理は終わった」として応じてこなかった。 法案は議員立法。条文に「補償」という文言は盛り込まれなかったが、提案した佐藤泰介・参院総務委員長は国会での趣旨説明で「長期間にわたる強制労働にもかかわらず、その対価が支払われていない。問題解決に長い歳月がかかったことを社会全体として反省し、その労苦を慰謝することが必要だ」と述べ、給付金に補償・謝罪の趣旨を込めた。
  厚生労働省などによると、シベリアやモンゴルなどへ約58万人が抑留され、うち約47万人が帰還したとされる。全国抑留者補償協議会によると、現在の生存者は7万人余りという。しかし抑留の実態にはなお不明な部分が多く、同法は抑留中に死亡した人の埋葬場所の調査や遺骨の収集なども政府に義務づけた。 政府は1956年の日ソ共同宣言で旧ソ連への賠償請求権を放棄した。06年以降、10万円相当の旅行券などを慰労品として配ったが、「問題の幕引きだ」と元抑留者たちは反発。国家賠償請求訴訟も続いている。

On the 16th, the legislation on "Post-war Forced Detainee Special Measures Method (Siberia Law on Special Measures)" that had an idea proposed immediately in the post WWII days to provide special benefits to former Japanese soldiers who were made to work compulsorily and detained by the former Soviet Union in Siberia and Mongolia was passed, and approved in the House of Representatives plenary session. The target was about 70,000 people who were still living, and according to their detention period, 250,000 to 1.5 million yen would be provided. As former detainees were aged 88 on the average, it was hoped that an early provision could to be effected, this law would be enforced by the end of the 17th at the latest, and people who were eligible for the benefit would be confirmed.

Former detainees thought that due consideration for their severe labor had not been given, and requested compensation from Japanese Government for many years. However, the government had not responded and said that "After the war, the processing ended". The bill was legislated by house members. Sato the chairman of the administration of the House of Councilors who proposed it explained in the Diet that although the stipulation on "Compensation" was not included in the text 「for a long time, due consideration had not been paid in spite of the forced labor. For the purpose of solving the problem, after taking so many years it is necessary for the whole society to reflect, and to console the suffering 」 and added in an outline of the compensation and the apology while explaining.

It was assumed that about 580,000 people had been detained in Siberia and Mongolia, etc. , and about 470,000 people had returned according to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare etc. According to the Nationwide Detainee Compensation Conference the present survivor was about 70,000 people. However, as there were still a lot of uncertain area in the facts of the actual detention, this law would obligate the government to do survey on burial place on those who died while being detained and the collection of their remains, etc. The government abandoned the compensation claim from the former Soviet Union under the Japan-Soviet Joint Declaration in 1956 ". Since 2006 travel tickets etc. equivalent to 100,000 yen were distributed as an acknowledgment of the good work of detainees. But that was backfired by former detainees saying that "the curtain of problem was pulled open". The national compensation claim lawsuit still continued.

It is glad to see Japanese government has the courage to accept responsibility for those action taken over 60 years ago.

