2010年4月28日 星期三


Recently Yomiuri News reported the following:


 同省が今月21、22日、日本の警察庁で開いた情報交換会議で、同庁に伝えた。 兵庫県の家族が中毒になったギョーザは、製造した当日に段ボール箱に詰められ、出荷までの約1か月間、工場内の冷凍庫で保管されていた。呂容疑者はこの冷凍庫内に入り込み、注射器で段ボール箱の外から、有機リン系殺虫剤メタミドホスを注入したとみられ、日本側の捜査でもギョーザの袋に小さな穴が開いていたことが確認されている。 日本側は近く、混入経路の詳しい確認などのため、中国に捜査幹部を派遣する。

It was understood that Tian Yang Food Company former temporary employee Lu Yueting (36), arrested for suspected connection with the frozen dumpling poisoning that caused injury to ten people from three families in Chiba Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture, had testified to the Chinese Public Security Ministry that "Insecticide was injected from the outside of the cardboard box that packed the frozen dumpling (packing)".

The Ministry told the National Police Agency about this during the information exchange conference held at the National Police Agency in Japan on the 21st and 22nd this month.
The dumpling that poisoned the family in Hyogo Prefecture was packed into the cardboard box on manufactured day, and had been kept in a freezer of the factory for about one month until shipping. Lu the suspect was thought to have entered this freezer, injected the organic phosphorus related insecticide methamidophos from the outside of the cardboard box with the injection syringe, and investigation done by Japan had confirmed that tiny holes were open in the bag of the dumpling. Japan would shortly send investigation executives to China for the purpose of confirming details on the route of mixing etc.

This case has been lingering on for quite a long time and I hope it can come to an end soon.

