2010年4月25日 星期日


Recently NHK News reported the following:


Just ahead of the start of the formal spring sightseeing season, the operation of "Velo Taxi" that took tourists on the three wheels bicycle in the central portion of Sapporo City had begun.
The Velo Taxi was an environment-friendly three-wheel bicycle taxi vehicle with the electric assistance developed in Germany and had been introduced to various places. In Sapporo City the city planning office NPO that had committed to defense the environment had started operating it at limited time since last year, and this year business would start on the 24th and the range is within three kilo using Ohdohri Park as the center. Because the Velo Taxi was completely established for the citizens and the tourists, as early as on the 24th, parents taking children could board the taxi and enjoy the street in the central portion at a slow speed. An adult's first ride up to 500 meters had a charge of 300 yen in fare, and until October this year it would be operated from 10:00AM to sunset. A woman passenger in Sapporo City said 「I was happy to get on for the first ride. I want to use it next time with big shopping bags in hand 」.

I know there is a Japanese language learning school in Sapporo and it is quite popular among some Hong Kong people. I hope they can enjoy this three-wheel bicycle ride when they are studying in Sapporo.

