2010年4月4日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

 強制わいせつ事件は3分の1になり、同庁は「一定の抑止効果が出ている」としている。 東京都内で昨年、届け出があった電車内での痴漢被害は計1569件。埼京線は全路線のなかで最多の173件(月平均約14・4件)に上り、このうち強制わいせつ事件は計38件(同3・2件)だった。 同庁によると、インターネットの掲示板で知り合った仲間が集団で取り囲むケースもあるなど手口は悪質化している。同庁は昨年10月の鉄道各社との官民合同会議で、車内カメラを設置するよう要請。JR東日本が昨年12月28日から、埼京線の一部車両に計6台取り付けた。 同庁が1、2月について調べたところ、痴漢が計15件(月平均約7・5件)でほぼ半減。このうち強制わいせつは2件にとどまった。JR東日本は設置場所の拡大などを検討する方針。

According to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, it had been understood that in the JR Saikyou Line where security cameras had been set up in some of the carriages since the end of last year for the purpose of public nuisance prevention, the monthly average number of victims had decreased to about half.
The number of obscene act committed by force was reduced to 1/3, and this agency believed that "A constant deterrent effect has come out". Last year in Tokyo the reported number of public nuisance victimization case in train was 1569. In Saikyou Line in all routes it went up to 173 (on average about 14.4 a month), and among these the forced obscene act case was 38 (average 3.2). According to this agency, the situation was made malignant as there were cases that the companions knew each other through Internet discussion board and then formed into groups. In October last year, during a combine conference held between the government, the people and the individual railway company, this agency requested that cameras be set up in the carriage. On December 28 last year, East Japan Railway installed six in total in some of the carriages of the Saikyou Line. When this agency examined the January and February situation, public nuisance incident was almost reduced by half to 15 in total (monthly average about 7.5). Among these, two were forced obscene act cases. East Japan Railway had the policy to examine the expansion of installation locations.

It seems that in Hong Kong traveling in MTR and other mass transport systems is safer.

