2010年3月25日 星期四


Recently Mainichi News reported the following:

 容疑内容の詳細は不明だが、呂容疑者が有機リン系殺虫剤メタミドホスを混入させたのは中国国内である疑いが濃厚だ。犯罪行為の現場が日本国内であれば、代理処罰を要請するケースも考えられるが、今回は該当しない。 そのため、千葉と兵庫で起きた中毒症状の被害の刑事責任を追及するためには、中国警察当局が中国で発生した中毒事件と日本の被害を一括して捜査し、殺人未遂罪を適用するのが最も近道とみられる。 その場合、千葉、兵庫両県警による共同捜査本部が国内の被害者から取った調書を提供するなどして、中国側の捜査に協力することになる見通しだ。

On the 27, the National Police Agency clarified that they were contacted by the Chinese police authorities saying that a suspect in connection with the poisoning of frozen dumpling made in China was arrested, the arrested suspect [Lu yueting] was accused of “Hazardous material administering crime” which had the meaning of mixing poison with food, and not a crime that was corresponded to attempted murder. The National Police Agency had the policy of conferring with the Chinese police authorities, so as to send out officers at an early stage to build up a case in Japan over the damage caused by the poisoning. Although details on the content of the case was not clear, there were strong doubts in China that it was organic phosphorus related insecticide methamidophos that had been administered by the suspect. Although it was thought that if the crime scene was in Japan, this case would demand punishment representation, but that was not applicable in the current situation. Therefore in order to pursue the criminal damage caused by toxic poisoning in Chiba and Hyogo, it was thought that a shortcut for this case would be for the Chinese police authorities to investigate what had happened in China, and link it to the damages caused in Japan in one single package, then to establish the attempted murder crime case. In that event, it was expected that records built up by the joint investigation headquarters of Chiba and Hyogo prefecture police based on details obtained from local victims would be offered to the China side, and the Police would cooperate with the investigation done by China.

Finally, China has arrested someone who is responsible for the poisonous dumpling exported to Japan many months ago.

