2010年3月3日 星期三


Recently Mainichi News reported the following:

東京都や埼玉県など関東一円で今年に入り、偽1万円札数百枚が見つかり、関与が疑われる日本人2人が既に浮上していることが2日、捜査関係者への取材で分かった。各県警が、組織的な犯行の可能性があるとみて捜査している。1月末には青森や岩手など東北4県で偽1万円札計約60枚が見つかっており、関連を調べている。 捜査関係者によると、関東で見つかっている偽札は透かしがないうえ、見る角度で色や模様が変わる偽造防止用のホログラムも不十分といい、カラー複写機でコピーした可能性がある。紙質は悪くないが、明るい場所で注意して見れば偽物と分かるという。 警察当局は、既に少なくとも日本人2人が関与したとの見方を強め、行方を追っている。使われる地域が広範囲であることから、グループによる犯行とみている。

On the 2nd it was learned from people who had participated in the investigation that In Tokyo and Saitama Prefecture around Kantoi, since this year, several hundred counterfeited 10,000 yen bank notes were found, and two Japanese suspected to have connection had already come to light. Individual prefecture police were investigating, seeing that there was a possibility that it was an organized crime. At the end of January, about 60 counterfeited 10,000 yen bank notes were found in the four North East prefectures such as Aomori and Iwate, and their relationship was being examined. According to people related to the investigation, the forged notes found in Kanto were without watermark, and the hologram designed for counterfeit prevention that would change color and pattern depending on viewing angles, was found insufficient, and there was a possibility that they were copied with color copying machines. Although the paper quality was not bad, if the imitation notes were seen carefully in a well-lighted area the forgery notes could be differentiated. The police authority strengthened the view that at least two Japanese had taken part, and were chasing for their whereabouts. Because the used region was spreading out wide, it was thought that the crime was committed by a group.

So, be careful if you are going to receive the 10,000 yen bank notes in Japan.

