2010年1月2日 星期六


Recently the Mainichi News reported the following:

 失業者らの年越しを支援するために、東京都が渋谷区の国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センターに設置した「公設派遣村」は1、2日も新たな宿泊者が訪れ、831人になった。宿泊者らは屋根の下で迎える新年にホッとした表情を見せながらも、4日の閉所を目前に控え、相談員らのアドバイスに熱心に耳を傾けていた。 宿泊者の多くは4日以降の見通しが立たず、不安を抱えている。半年間路上生活をした後に再就職した家電メーカーが昨年末倒産し、再び野宿を強いられた男性(51)もその一人。何度も生活保護申請を断られてきた。「自立するまで保護を受けたいが、無理ならまた野宿だ」と話した。 都は3日、宿泊者全員に改めて生活相談を行い、宿泊所の確保など4日以降の対応を決定する方針だ。

The "Public dispatch village" in Tokyo set up in the National Olympic Memorial Youth Center in Shibuya Ward for the purpose of supporting the unemployed in welcoming the new year was visited by new visitors up to 831 people on the first and second day. Those who stayed in the center had showed a relieved expression at receiving the new year under the roof, although they listened to the consultants' advice ardently, they refrained from talking about the closure of this place on the 4th in the near future. Many of those who stayed did not know their prospect after the fourth, and were holding uneasiness. Among them was a man (51) who got re-employed and worked in an appliance making company after living in the street for half a year, but at the end of last year this company went bankrupt, and he would be forced to sleep in the open again. His public assistance application had been refused many times. It was said, "If that was impossible, it means sleeping in the open again although I want to receive protection until I can rely on myself". In the capital on the 3rd day, it was scheduled that all the consultation of life would be done on all who stayed, and would decide on their future lodgings after the fourth.

In only just a small section in Tokyo, there are already so many homeless people. Does it reflect the poor economic situation in Japan?

