2009年11月12日 星期四


Recently the Excite News reported the following:

覚せい剤取締法違反の罪で懲役1年6月、執行猶予3年の判決を受けた元女優、酒井法子(38)が新しいパソコンを購入し、来週月曜日の16日から授業を受けることが12日、分かった。酒 井は介護など福祉全般を学ぶため、創造学園大学(群馬・高崎市)の一般人入試(小論文、面接)を受け、ソーシャルワーク学部に合格、9日の判決公判前に入学手続きを済ませており、勉強の環境が整い次第、随時授業をスタートさせることができる。高崎市の本部キャンパスには通わず、パソコンや携帯を使った遠隔地教育システム「E-LEARNING」で学び、単位取得を目指す酒井にとって、パソコンは“ノートや鉛筆”と同じ。酒井と親しい関係者はこの日サンケイスポーツの取材に「今日の午後、電話で話しました。『昨日(11日)新しいパソコンが届いて、一生懸命使い方に慣れているところです』と言っていました」と明かした。この関係者は「落ち着いているし、前向きに頑張っているようだから、安心しました」とも語り、酒井の門出を祈っていた。

It was learned on the 12th that former actress Noriko Sakai (38) who had received the 18-month penal servitude sentence, suspended for three years in connecting with the crime that violated the Stimulants Control Law, had bought a new personal computer and would start attending classes starting Monday 16th next week. Sakai, for the purpose of studying general welfare matters like nursing etc, took the entrance exam for ordinary people (short essay and interview) conducted by the Creation Educational Institution University (Gunma and Takasaki City), had passed the social work faculty requirements and completed registration before the trial on the 9th, and could start classes at any time as soon as the environment for study was in order. There was no need to frequent the headquarters campus in Takasaki City because it was a learning system in the form of distant education called "E-LEARNING" which used the personal computer, and for Sakai who aimed at acquiring studying credits, the personal computer was equivalent to "Notebook and pencil". It was understood that, according to this day's Sankei Sports, Sakai had discussion with people closely related to her that 「This afternoon there was telephone conversation. It was said, 'A new personal computer had arrived yesterday (the 11th), and (she) was trying hard to accustom to its usage'. 」 These people also said, "The matter is settling down, and it is a relief because it seems that (she) is working hard at a positive direction", and they prayed for Sakai's departure for classes.

It is comforting to see that people who had made a mistake was given a chance to start afresh. All the best, Noriko Sakai.

