2009年8月24日 星期一


Recently NHK News reported the following:

北海道由仁町では先週、三川小学校の児童4人が新型インフルエンザに感染したことがわかり、この小学校は今月27日までの予定で休校となっています。由仁町教育委員会は感染拡大を防ごうと、24日、三川小学校を含め町内の小中学校5校のすべてのクラス、そして図書館などの公共 施設に置けるようにあわせて40本の消毒液を配りました。全校児童180人の由仁小学校では、担任の教師が「教室に入るときは必ず手を消毒してください」と呼びかけ、子どもたちに消毒のしかたを教えました。子どもたちは、順番に教室の入り口の置かれた消毒液を手にとってよくこすり合わせて消毒していました。

Last week four primary school students in a city in Hokkaido had contracted the new type influenza and this school would be closed until the 27th of this month. The eduction board of the city, in order to prevent further spreading of the influenza, had on the 24th distributed 40 bottles of disinfection fluid to classes in all five schools in town, and also to locations with public facilities such as the library. The primary school affected by the influenza had 180 students, the teachers would be requested to disinfect their hands before entering classrooms, and also to teach children the way to disinfect hands. To disinfect hands, children would in turn use the disinfection liquid placed at the entrance of the classroom to rub hands.

After reading the above, I wonder if schools in Hong Kong would care to carry out similar precaution when classes start in September.

