2009年8月22日 星期六


Recently Yomiuri News reported the following:

高校生の5人に1人が、インタネ上のトラブルに遭遇した経験があることが、慶応大大学院メデッアデザイン研究科などのアンケート調査で明らかになった。調査によると、トラブルの経験があると答えたのは22.7%だった。トラブルの内容(複数回答)は、サイトを開いただけで契約の成立を装って法外な料金を求する「ワンクリック詐欺」や偽のホームページに口座番号などを打ち込ませて悪用する「ファッシング詐欺」が50.3%で最も多く、「思いがけないグロテスな画像を見た」も48.5%に上った。また、「薬物や犯罪などの情報に出合った」は16%だった。高校生のパンコンの技 量や利用頻度別では、トラブルに遭遇した「初級者」は12.4%だったのに対し、「上級者」では41.6%に上った。調査は今年6月、慶応義塾高1年全生徒720人を対象に行った。

One out of five high school students had the experience of encountering troubles when using the Internet, according to a study done through questionnaires by a the media design research institute of a Japanese university. According to this study, 22.7% of the respondents said that they had the experience of encountering Internet trouble. The types of trouble mentioned (multiple reply) included: after signing in, they were asked for unexpected fees called "one click cheating", and there might be fake home pages that tried to obtain your personal information called "phishing cheating' , these were the most popular and represented 50.3%. 'Unexpected creepy image being seen' was 48.5%. Also 16% of the trouble was 'run into drug and law violating information'. Among the high school students, there were difference in proficiency and in frequency in the use of personal computers, for beginners 12.4% had the experience of encountering trouble. As for proficient students, the percentage was 41.6%. This research was done in June targeting at all the 720 first year senior high school students of the same school.

After reading the about, I am wondering if the 20% rate of 'Internet trouble' is too high to be acceptable. And as such, I think the school authority should do more to prepare students to handle Internet troubles.

