Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:
介護事業者の倒産 去年170件余 過去最多に 物価高騰など影響か
2025年1月10日 6時09分
Over 170 nursing care business operators went bankrupt
last year, the highest number ever, possibly due to rising prices
A credit research company had found that over 170 nursing care business operators went bankrupt nationwide last year, the highest number ever. The bankruptcies were thought to be due to factors such as a shortage of nursing care staff and a sharp rise in commodity prices.
According to Tokyo Shoko Research (東京商工リサーチ), there were 172 nursing care business
operators that confirmed to have gone bankrupt nationwide last year, a 1.4-fold
increase from the previous year, and the highest number since the long-term
care insurance system began in 2000.
The breakdown was as follows: "Home care" was in the majority, with 81 cases, representing nearly half of the total.
Next were day services etc. " social welfare facility - short-term admission" with 56 cases, and "paid nursing homes" etc. with 18 cases.
The total debt amounted to over 22.9 billion yen, with more than 80% being small businesses with fewer than 10 employees.
Possible reasons for the bankruptcies included a shortage of care workers that made it impossible to continue business, a worsening business situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the further impact of soaring prices for care products and utilities.
Tokyo Shoko Research pointed out that "While the demand
for care is increasing as the population ages, some regions are falling behind
on care services due to the bankruptcy of some operators. The situation is that
cooperation between care providers and supports from the government etc. are
So, over 170 nursing care
business operators went bankrupt nationwide last year, the highest number ever.
Probably it is due to factors such as a shortage of nursing care staff and
sharp rises in commodity prices. Apparently, the Japanese government should
increase its budget in social welfare.