2022年2月13日 星期日

Plants bloom one month earlier, and there are concerns about the ecosystem

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

植物の開花が1カ月早く、生態系への懸念も 英研究

2022.02.03 Thu posted at 07:03 JST

  (CNN) 英国の一部地方で平年より暖かい天気が続くなか、同国内で植物の開花がかつてより平均1カ月も早まっているとする新たな研究結果が発表された。









  (CNN) As warmer weather continued in some parts of the UK than normal, new findings had announced that plant flowering in the country was on average one month earlier than before.

A team formed by Professor Ulf Büntgen and others of the University of Cambridge had observed over 400 plant species starting from the mid-18th century and up to 2019 based on the large database "Nature's Calendar" that was stored by the British forest conservation organization Woodland Trust, and they analyzed a total of more than 400,000 records for plants. The results were reported in the biology magazine "Bulletin B of the Royal Society".

The Nature's Calendar contained 3.5 million observational data on flowering and migratory birds since the 1730s, centered on reports from citizens and information extensively solicited on the Internet.

The team of Buntgen and others categorized the flowering dates of trees and wildflowers throughout the UK by location, altitude, and urban or rural areas.

When this was compared with monthly meteorological data, it was confirmed that the flowering time was one month earlier on average, and that there was a strong correlation with the rise in global temperature.

If the average global temperature continued to rise, spring might begin in February each year, the team pointed out.

According to Buntgen, faster plant flowering could lead to imbalances in surrounding ecosystems such as insects and birds, and could adversely affect agriculture. If a plant woke up early from "hibernation mode" and was hit by late frost after entering the growing season, it was expected that crops such as fruits might be wiped out.

Apart from the United Kingdom there were other cases, in Japan where cherry blossoms bloomed, last year for the first time in 1200 years it bloomed in March; and in the US in 2019 sunflowers bloomed earlier due to the heat wave that hit the country.

            So, climate change will impact on the growth of plant that may directly affect our agriculture activities. Indeed, apart from plants, it also affects the survival of insects and animals.

