2021年1月30日 星期六

Chinese study - Wuhan's new corona inpatients - 76% had sequelae 6 months after infection

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

武漢の新型コロナ入院患者、感染から半年後も76%に後遺症 中国研究

2021.01.12 Tue posted at 10:54 JST

(CNN) 新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大が最初に起きた中国の武漢で、入院した患者の大部分が感染から半年経過した後も疲労感や睡眠障害などの症状が続いているという調査結果を、中国の研究チームが発表した。








(CNN) In Wuhan, China, where the infection of the new coronavirus first occurred, a report done by a Chinese research team announced that most of the hospitalized patients continued to have symptoms such as fatigue and sleeping disorders six months after the infection.

The research team surveyed more than 1,700 patients hospitalized in Wuhan for coronavirus infection. As a result, it was found that 76% of the patients had symptoms even several months after discharge.

The findings suggested that patients could have long-term sequelae, even if they recover from the new coronavirus infection. More than 90 million people had been infected with the new coronavirus worldwide.

This treatise was published in the English medical journal The Lancet on the 8th. On the sequelae of coronavirus infection patients, 63% were feeling tired that stood as the most common, followed by sleeping disorders at 26%.

Many suffered from psychiatric symptoms, with 23% complaining about anxiety and depression. Patients with severe illness tended to show a continuing lung damage when examined by x-rays.

The median age of the patients surveyed was 57 years. All of them were discharged from Wuhan's Jinyintan Clinic between January 7th and May 29th last year. The research team conducted interviews, physical examinations and blood tests on 70% of patients who were discharged during this period, after excluding those who died, or were unable to cooperate due to severe mental or physical symptoms, or refused to cooperate.

Doctors at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital and the Capital Medical University who lead the research team said "because the new coronavirus infection is a new disease, we are just beginning to understand its long-term effects on patient’s health". He points out the need for medical care for patients after being discharged, and the importance of long-term follow-up investigation.

              So, this report is important in pointing out that the discharged patients could still be affected by the sequelae of coronavirus infection.

2021年1月28日 星期四

Norway investigates deaths of 23 vaccinated elderly people

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:


2021.01.19 Tue posted at 10:08 JST

 (CNN) ノルウェーで身体機能の低下した高齢者23人が、米ファイザー製の新型コロナウイルスワクチンを接種した後で死亡したとの報告を受け、専門家らが副作用との関係を調べている。








(CNN) In Norway twenty-three elderly people with impaired physical function had died after being vaccinated with the new Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, and experts were investigating the relationship with vaccine side effects.

It was known that the side effects of the vaccine were rare, such as mild fever and nausea. It had also been pointed out that these symptoms could be fatal for patients who were weak.

Following reports of deaths, the National Institute of Public Health (FHI) revised its guidelines for vaccination of patients who had impaired body conditions due to old age and those with terminal illness. Physicians had to decide on each patient whether the merits of vaccination would outweigh the risks of possible side effects.

By the 14th, 42,000 people had completed their first vaccination in Norway. As in many other countries, those groups with a particularly high-risk response to the new virus infection were prioritized: the elderly with underlying illnesses and the residents of long-term care facilities.

The Norwegian Pharmacy (NOMA) said in a statement that due to the nature of these targeted groups, deaths could coincide with the time of vaccination. It explained that an average of 400 people die a week at domestic nursing homes and in long-term care facilities.

Even among experts, there was currently no evidence of a causal link between vaccination and death, and there was a strong belief that patients might die accidentally immediately after vaccination. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, emphasized that the first step should be looking into the mortality rate of the unvaccinated groups living in long-term care facility.

FHI and NOMA announced on the 15th that they had investigated of 13 cases out of the 23 dead so far. Pfizer said it was working with NOMA to collect all the relevant information.

              So, the situation in Norway would become clearer when all the 23 deaths are investigated.

2021年1月26日 星期二

China's largest online search company "Baidu" - to produce and sell electric vehicles

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

中国ネット検索最大手「バイドゥ」 電気自動車 生産・販売へ

2021111 2341







Baidu, the largest online search company in China, announced that it would establish a new company to produce EV = electric vehicles in partnership with domestic automobile manufacturers. In China, the world's largest automobile market, competition in the electric vehicle sector was expected to intensify.

On the 11th, China's Baidu announced that it would form a strategic alliance with Chinese automobile manufacturer "Geely Group" to establish a subsidiary to produce and sell EV = electric vehicles.

Baidu was developing autonomous driving technology with the support of the Chinese government.

At the moment, details such as the sales time of the car to be developed in the future had not been disclosed, but it seemed that Baidu could provide advanced IT technology such as AI = artificial intelligence used for autonomous driving, and Geely would in charge of manufacturing the EV.

China was the world's largest market with annual automobile sales of more than 25 million cars, and EV sales were expanding rapidly to about 1 million. Centering around EV = electric vehicles, among IT companies such as the major delivering service companies "Di Di"  that used cars, there were  series of movements for them to enter partnership with automobile manufacturers, and the entry of Baido could likely intensify competition in the future.

              It is interesting to know that China's largest online search company "Baidu" could involve itself with the electric vehicles business.

2021年1月24日 星期日


BBC News on-line reported the following on 10.1.2021:

Pompeo: US to lift restrictions on contacts with Taiwan

Published10 hours ago

The US is lifting long-standing restrictions on contacts between American and Taiwanese officials, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says.

The "self-imposed restrictions" were introduced decades ago to "appease" the mainland Chinese government, which lays claim to the island, the US state department said in a statement.

These rules are now "null and void".

The move is likely to anger China and increase tensions between Washington and Beijing.

It comes as the Trump administration enters its final days ahead of the inauguration of Joe Biden as president on 20 January.

The Biden transition team have said the president-elect is committed to maintaining the previous US policy towards Taiwan.

Analysts say they will be unhappy with such a policy decision being made in the final days of the Trump administration, but that the move could be reversed easily by Mr. Pompeo's successor Antony Blinken.

China regards Taiwan as a breakaway province, but Taiwan's leaders argue that it is a sovereign state.

Relations between the two are frayed and there is a constant threat of a violent flare up that could drag in the US, an ally of Taiwan.

In a statement on Saturday, Mr. Pompeo said the US state department had introduced complicated restrictions limiting the communication between American diplomats and their Taiwanese counterparts.

"Today I am announcing that I am lifting all of these self-imposed restrictions," he said. "Today's statement recognizes that the US-Taiwan relationship need not, and should not, be shackled by self-imposed restrictions of our permanent bureaucracy."

He added that Taiwan was a vibrant democracy and a reliable US partner, and that the restrictions were no longer valid.

Following the announcement, Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu thanked Mr. Pompeo, saying he was "grateful".

"The closer partnership between Taiwan and the US is firmly based on our shared values, common interests and unshakeable belief in freedom and democracy," he wrote in a tweet.

Last August, US Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar became the highest-ranking US politician to hold meetings on the island for decades.

In response, China urged the US to respect what it calls its "one China" principle.

The US also sells arms to Taiwan, though it does not have a formal defense treaty with the country, as it does with Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.

China and Taiwan were divided during a civil war in the 1940s.

Beijing has long tried to limit Taiwan's international activities and both have vied for influence in the Pacific region.

Tensions have increased in recent years and Beijing has not ruled out the use of force to take the island back.

Although Taiwan is officially recognized by only a handful of nations, its democratically-elected government has strong commercial and informal links with many countries.


國務卿邁克·蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo) ,美國正在取消對美國和台灣官員之間接觸的長期限制。

美國國務院在一份聲明中,“自我施加的限制”是幾十年前引入的,目的是“安撫” 聲稱擁有這島嶼的中國大陸政府。



事情發生在特朗普政府進入最後的日子, 在喬·拜登(Joe Biden)120日就任總統就職典禮之前。


分析人士表示,小組將不滿特朗普政府在最後幾天做出這一政策決定,但蓬佩奧的繼任者Antony Blinken可以很容易地扭轉這一舉動。




:“今天,我宣布我將取消所有這些自我施加的限制。”今天的聲明承認,美台關係沒有必要, 也不應因我們常駐官僚機構的自我施加的限制而受束縛。”




去年八月,美國衛生與公共服務部長Alex Azar成為數十年來在這島上舉行會議的美國最高級政治人物。


美國也向台灣出售武器,儘管與它沒有正式的國防條約, 例如與日本,韓國和菲律賓。





              For mainland China, the Taiwan issue is the most important topic in its relationship with the US. In recent months, Pompeo has been taking actions to escalate the US -Taiwan connection while CCP is watching and condemning. I am interested to see how Joe Biden will handle this after taking office. If the matter is not handled carefully, it could cause explosive consequence. For those who are interested the background on how the US government developed its foreign policy toward China since the late the Qing dynasty and up to 1949,  a book entitled the “China White Paper” could be useful. My blog dated 29th November 2009 (tag: 書本摘要) has talked about to this book.

The China White Paper

2021年1月21日 星期四


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

EXPLAINER: Hong Kong mass arrests chill democracy movement

Associated Press Wed., January 6, 2021, 12:37 a.m. PST

HONG KONG (AP) — The sudden arrest of dozens of pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong, in the most sweeping use of a new national security law to date, is a clear sign of Beijing's determination to rein in political opposition in the former British colony.

The Wednesday morning roundup, widely condemned by Western government officials and human rights groups, will likely further chill an already dwindling protest movement in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.


Police detained about 50 people, far more than in previous cases under the 6-month-old national security law. Those targeted appeared to include all candidates who had run in an unofficial opposition primary last year ahead of an expected election for Hong Kong’s legislature. City leader Carrie Lam later scrapped the election, citing the coronavirus pandemic. Activists called her move a thinly veiled attempt to thwart expected opposition gains.


Security Secretary John Lee said those arrested were suspected of trying to gain control of the legislature to paralyze government business. The subversion section of the national security law criminalizes “seriously interfering in, disrupting, or undermining the performance of duties and functions” of the Chinese or Hong Kong governments.

Lam said at the time of the primary that if its purpose was to resist every government initiative, it could amount to subverting state power. The central government labeled the primary illegal and a “serious provocation” to Hong Kong’s electoral system.


The arrests will remove more activists from the scene, reducing the possibility of renewed protests and eliminating many as future candidates for office. They warn a younger generation that formed the backbone of protests in 2014 and 2019 that even holding an unofficial primary can result in legal action that can seriously impact their futures.

Human Rights Watch said of the move that repression generates resistance, but the tightening restrictions on opposition activity and the lingering effects of the coronavirus on public life and the economy could delay or permanently discourage the emergence of a new generation willing to take on Beijing.


Beijing has been unrelenting in its efforts to prevent any repeat of the 2019 protests, which grew increasingly violent in response to the government's refusal to entertain the protesters' demands. They plunged Hong Kong into its biggest political crisis since its return to Chinese rule in 1997.

China is also determined to drive out what it sees as unwarranted foreign government interference in its domestic affairs. The nation's newfound military, economic and political clout is emboldening it to take on the West, and it can take advantage of distractions resulting from pandemic and political disruptions in the U.S. and Europe.


香港(美聯社)- 在香港,數十名支持民主的激進分子突然被捕,這是迄今為止最廣泛使用新國家安全法,這清楚地表明了北京決心遏制前英國殖民地政治反對派的決心。。

被西方政府官員和人權組織廣泛譴責的星期三上午的逮捕行動, 可能會進一步打擊在半自治的中國領土上已經在逐漸減少的抗議運動。


警方拘留了約50人,遠遠超過了以往歷時6個月的國家安全法所有案件總和。目標對像似乎包括所有在去年預期將選舉香港立法機關之前, 在非官方的反對派初選中競選的候選人。市領導林鄭月娥後來以冠狀病毒大流行為由取消了這選舉。激進分子稱她以病毒為由作出的掩飾薄紗, 以試圖挫敗預期中的反對派的收穫。


保安局局長李家超說,被捕者涉嫌企圖控制立法機關,使政府業務癱瘓。國家安全法的顛覆部分, 將對中國或香港政府的 “嚴重干擾,破壞或破壞履行職責的行為” 定為犯罪。

林在舉行初選時表示,如果其目的是抵抗政府的每一項倡議,那可能就等於顛覆國家政權。中央政府將這舉初選標記為非法, 和對香港選舉制度的 “嚴重挑釁”


這次逮捕將把更多的維權人士趕出現場,減少抗議活動再次發生的可能性,並消除許多人成為未來的競選候選人。他們警告,在2014年和2019年構成了抗議活動的骨幹年輕人,即使舉行非官方的初選, 也可能導致可能嚴重影響其未來的法律訴訟。

人權觀察社,鎮壓會生抵抗,但對反對派活動的嚴格限制, 以及冠狀病毒對公共生活和經濟的 持久影響, 可能會推遲或永久阻止出現新一代願意挑戰北京的人。




              So, confrontation between China and the western countries is likely to continue for some time to come due to matters happen in Hong Kong.

2021年1月18日 星期一

US Moderna - Effect of new corona vaccine could "last for at least one year"

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

新型コロナワクチンの効果、「少なくとも1年持続」 米モデルナ

2021.01.12 Tue posted at 15:34 JST

 (CNN) 米モデルナが開発した新型コロナウイルスのワクチンについて、同社幹部は11日、少なくとも1年間は効果が持続するとの見方を示した。





(CNN) Regarding the new coronavirus vaccine developed by US Moderna, this company's executive said on the 11th that its effect could last for at least one year.

Moderna’s Chief Marketing Officer Tal Zaks said at an annual meeting hosted by JP Morgan which was a gathering for companies and investors from the healthcare industry.

The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines had been granted an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but as both were just developed last year, how long their preventive effects could last was not confirmed at that moment.

Moderna's vaccination had to be given twice, about one month apart. Zaks said he would continue to study how the effect of their vaccine could be extended by an additional third dose.

              So, it seems that Moderna could become the most popular vaccine for Covid-19. It is good news to know that this vaccine is effective for over a year. This is longer than I have expected.

2021年1月17日 星期日


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

China's CNBG has supplied 3 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to UAE

Reuters Tue., January 5, 2021, 3:10 a.m. PST

BEIJING (Reuters) - United Arab Emirates (UAE) has received a total of three million COVID-19 vaccine doses from China National Biotec Group (CNBG), the company said on Tuesday.

CNBG has moved into late-stage clinical trials two COVID-19 vaccine candidates respectively developed by its units in Beijing and Wuhan city. The Beijing unit's shot obtained a green light last week for general public use in China.

CNBG is a subsidiary of state-backed China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm).

"According to preliminary feedback from UAE, emergency use shows that Sinopharm CNBG's COVID-19 vaccine is safe in large-scale use and has significantly reduced the disease in vaccinated people," CNBG said in an article published on Chinese social media WeChat, without specifying which candidate it referred to.

The firm didn't break down the numbers of doses for each candidate in its supply to UAE. It's not immediately clear how many of these doses were used in clinical trials and how many in real-life use.

Pakistan said last week it would purchase 1.2 million doses of the vaccine developed by CNBG's Beijing unit.


北京(路透社)- 中國國家生物技術集團(CNBG)週二表示,阿拉伯聯合酋長國 (UAE)已從它的公司獲得了三百萬劑COVID-19疫苗。



中国生物技公司在中國社交媒體微信上發表的一篇文章中: “根據阿聯酋的初步反饋,緊急使用顯示國藥CNBGCOVID-19疫苗可以安全地大規模使用,並大大降低了接種疫苗的人的發病。” 它沒有指出是哪個候選疫苗。



              So, CNBG's COVID-19 vaccine is now made available to United Arab Emirates. I am interested to know how this vaccine will perform after the vaccination starts.

2021年1月16日 星期六

China - to disqualify two Chinese lawyers who supported democratic activists in Hong Kong

Recently NHK News On-line reported the following:

中国 香港の民主活動家ら支援の中国の弁護士2 資格剥奪へ

202115 603







Chinese officials informed two Chinese lawyers who had helped Hong Kong democratic activists sentenced for smuggling from Hong Kong to Taiwan that they would be disqualified; the lawyers opposed to that as an "unjustified persecution."

The people that had been notified of disqualification were two known human rights lawyers in China, respectively lawyer Rèn quán niú (任全牛) and lawyer Lú sī wèi (盧思位).

The two had been entrusted by family members of the Hong Kong democratic activists and students who were sentenced to prison in a Chinese court on December 30 for attempting to stowaway from Hong Kong to Taiwan by ship to defense them in court, and to look for and interview them at the detention center.

While these two were not allowed to do the defence at the trial, the Chinese judiciary supposed that the reason for their disqualification was their writings on the Internet about the contents of the court trials in the past which they had taken part, and as such “the image of a lawyer has been significantly damaged. "

On the other hand, lawyer Ren told NHK's telephone interview that from around October last year the pressure on him from the Chinese authorities had increased further after receiving a request from his family. Regarding the disqualification notice, he strongly opposed that "it is clear that my involvement in this trial has bee seen as a problem. It is an unjust persecution of a lawyer under the provisions of a non-existing law."

So, the treatment received by these two lawyers makes me to wonder once more whether China is a society ruled by law as measured by western standards.

2021年1月15日 星期五

US - Better than human? 4 robots dance to songs

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

Boston Dynamic robots (Source:CNN)

人間より上手? ロボット4体が曲に合わせダンス 

2021.01.01 Fri posted at 13:47 JST

 ニューヨーク(CNN Business) 米ボストン・ダイナミクスはこのほど、同社のロボット4体がヒット曲に合わせて緻密(ちみつ)な振り付けのダンスを踊る映像を公開した。









New York (CNN Business) -- Boston Dynamics had recently released a video of its four robots dancing in a precise composition to a hit song.

Boston Dynamics was an independent spin-off company from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It sold robots that performed tasks more skillfully and safely than humans in warehousing, policing, public works, and factories.

On December 29, the company released a video to show how the skills of its robots had improved. The footage showed the robots were dancing Twists, Mashed Potatoes, and other dances to the 1960s Contours hit song "Do You Love Me", the dancing was impressive but somewhat weird.

Elon Musk, CEO of electric vehicle (EV) giant Tesla, who was known for his skepticism about artificial intelligence, pointed out on Twitter that the video "this is not computer-generated footage. "

So far, Boston Dynamics was not as successful as robotics proponents had imagined or expected. Only a few customers were acquired, and the parent company had changed three times in the last three years. Although it was acquired by Google in 2013, it was sold to Softbank in 2017 and became a subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Co., Ltd. in South Korea in the first half of last year.

In June last year, the company began selling dog-shaped robot "Spot" to US companies for $ 74,500 each.

However, it was the two humanoid robots "Atlas" that took the lead role in this video performance. While Boston Dynamics released in 2019 that Atlas would perform a 360-degree rotation jump,  this video showed that Atlas's abilities had greatly evolved over the past year.

The video also features a wheeled robot "Handle".

              It is amazing to know that Boston Dynamic could have developed its humanoid robots "Atlas" that can do gymnastics, including somersaulting, even better than human. It is a testimony to how the research on developing humanoid robots has gone through since Honda developed its “Ashimo” more than fifteen years go. For those who are interested in knowing how humanoid robots can do, please go to the official web-site of Boston Dynamic to have a look. It is shocking for me, in particular the somersaulting done by “Atlas”.

Ashimo (Source: Honda)


1. "Do You Love Me" was a 1962 hit single recorded by the Contours. Mashed Potato was a popular dance move in the early 1960s. It was first made famous by James Brown in 1959 and used in his concerts regularly.

2. Boston Dynamics develops the humanoid robot "Atlas" and the dog robot “Spot”, among other products.

2021年1月14日 星期四

歐盟 : 中國對開放市場投資協議給予政治肯首

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

EU, China Give Political Nod to Market-Opening Investment Pact

Jonathan Stearns

Bloomberg Wed., December 30, 2020, 9:32 p.m. PST

(Bloomberg) -- The European Union and China announced the political approval of an agreement to open the Chinese market further to EU investors, marking a major step in talks that began in 2013.

The breakthrough in negotiations on an EU-China investment deal signals the bloc’s determination to focus on economic opportunities in Asia even amid criticism of Beijing’s record on human rights. The accord could enter into force in early 2022.

For the EU, the deal risks irking the incoming U.S. administration, which has urged the Europeans to consult with them over China’s economic practices. Failure by the U.S. and EU to forge a common position would give Beijing an advantage as western leaders reassess geopolitical relations in the wake of Donald Trump’s presidency.

This agreement is of major economic significance,” the leaders of the bloc’s two main institutions, Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, said in a statement on Wednesday after a video conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping. “China has committed to an unprecedented level of market access for EU investors, giving European businesses certainty and predictability for their operations.”

The incoming U.S. administration under President-elect Joe Biden has already signaled reservations about the deal. Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, on Dec. 22 called for “early consultations with our European partners on our common concerns about China’s economic practices.”

An official in Biden’s transition team, who asked not to be identified, said Wednesday the incoming administration looked forward to consulting with the EU on a “coordinated approach to China’s unfair economic practices and other important challenges.”

Market Access

For the 27-nation EU, the pact expands access to the Chinese market for foreign investors in industries ranging from cars to telecommunications. Furthermore, the agreement tackles underlying Chinese policies deemed by Europe and the U.S. to be market-distorting: industrial subsidies, state control of enterprises and forced technology transfers.

For China, the accord bolsters the country’s claim to be a mainstream geopolitical force and may limit risks resulting from a tougher EU stance on Chinese investments in Europe. It also strengthens Beijing’s longstanding call for the start of negotiations on a free-trade pact with the EU, which has insisted on an investment deal first.

China ranked as the EU’s second-largest trade partner in 2019 (behind the U.S.), with two-way goods commerce valued at more than 1 billion euros ($1.2 billion) a day.

Environmental Conditions

The investment deal “demonstrates China’s determination and confidence in advancing a high level of opening to the outside world, and will provide greater market access for China-EU mutual investment, a higher quality business environment, stronger institutional guarantees and brighter cooperation prospects,” Xi said, according to state media.

The announcement on Wednesday represents a high-level political blessing to the investment pact, which will also cover environmental sustainability. Both sides plan to put the finishing touches on it over the coming months.

A strong agreement would be a powerful statement to show that constructive engagement can produce results,” Joerg Wuttke, president of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China, said in an emailed statement.

Human Rights

Once finalized, the accord will need the approval of the European Parliament, where some voices have expressed objections as a result of alleged human-rights violations in China. The deal includes Chinese pledges on labor standards meant to address such concerns, including in relation to ratification of related United Nations-backed conventions, according to EU officials, who asked not to be identified because of the continuing preparations.

It’s not a given that the EU Parliament will give its consent,” Reinhard Buetikofer, a German Green member of the assembly, told Bloomberg Television on Tuesday. “We’ll give it a tough scrutiny.”

The EU’s push for an agreement highlights global cross-currents after Trump shook the post-war system over the past four years by sidelining the World Trade Organization, starting a tariff war against China and hitting or threatening U.S. allies in Europe with controversial import duties.

When the Trump administration in January 2020 struck a first-phase commercial accord with China that eased their economically damaging fight, the EU criticized the deal as a “managed-trade outcome” that might itself violate WTO rules and merit a legal challenge.

Deal Highlights

Following are some of the Chinese concessions to European investors in the agreement, according to an EU official who spoke on the condition of anonymity:

Following are some of the Chinese concessions to European investors in the agreement, according to an EU official who spoke on the condition of anonymity:

Chinese market opening: improved access across industries including air-transport services, where joint-venture requirements for computer-reservation systems are being removed, and new opportunities in sectors including clean vehicles, cloud services, financial services and health

Chinese state-owned enterprises: non-discrimination commitment when SOEs are buyers of services

Chinese subsidies: enhanced transparency, notably for services

Chinese forced technology transfers: prohibited

While the accord largely commits the EU to maintain its relative openness to Chinese investors, according to the European official, the deal offers greater access for them to the bloc’s:

Energy wholesale and retail markets (but excluding trading platforms)

Renewable-energy markets (with a 5 per cent cap at the level of EU countries and a reciprocity mechanism)


(彭博)- 歐盟和中國宣布達成政治協議,中國同意進一步向歐盟投資者開放市場,這標誌著2013年開始的會談邁出了重要一步。


對於歐盟來,這筆交易有可能激怒即將上任的美國政府,該政府敦促歐洲人就中國的經濟做法與他們進行磋商。美國和歐盟未能樹立共同立場,將給北京帶來優勢,因為唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)擔任總統後,西方領導人重新評估了地緣政治關係。

歐盟兩大主要機構的領導人爾斯·米歇爾(Charles Michel)和烏爾蘇拉·馮·德·萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)在與中國國家主席習近平舉行視頻會議後的一份聲明中:“這項協議具有重大的經濟意義。”;中國致力於為歐盟投資者提供前所未有的市場准入水平,使歐洲企業的運營具有確定性和可預測性。”

在候任總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)即將上任的美國新政府已經表示對該交易持保留態度。拜登的國家安全顧問 Jake Sullivan 1222日呼籲“就對中國經濟行徑的共同關切,與歐洲夥伴儘早進行磋商。”







據官方媒體習近平曾, 這項投資協議“表明了中國對推進對外開放的決心和信心,並將為中歐相互投資提供更大的市場准入,更高質量的商業環境,更強大的制度保障和更光明的合作前景”


歐盟中國商會會長Joerg Wuttke在一封電子郵件聲明中:“強力的協議將是有力的聲明,表明有建設性的溝通可以生結果。”



德國綠黨國會議員Reinhard Buetikofer星期二對彭博電視台:“這不是一定會獲得歐盟議會的同意”;我們將對其進行嚴格審。”

歐盟的推動協議凸顯了全球的交叉潮流。特朗普在過去四年辺沿化世界貿易組織(WTO),用關戰爭針對中國, 並以有爭議的進口關稅去打擊或威脅歐洲的美國盟友,動搖了戰後體制。




-         -   中國市場的開放:改善了航空運輸服務等行業的准入條件,其中取消了對電腦預訂系統的合資要求; 以及對環保清潔車輛,雲端服務,金融服務和健康服務行業提供新機遇

-         -   中國國有企業:當國有企業(SOEs)成為服務購買者時的無歧視承諾

-         -    中國的補貼:提高透明度,尤其是服務業的透明度

-          -   中國強制技術轉讓:禁止


 -    能源批發和零售市場(但不包括交易平台)

-         -      可再生能源市場(歐盟國家的上限為5%,並設有互惠機制)

              So, while China is having a tense relationship with the “Five Eyes" (FVEY) countries, it is now hoping to maintain a good trading connection with the EU. Given that China’s human right record is constantly challenged by some European politicians on issues such as handling of the democratic movement in Hong Kong, some opposition voice can be expected in the EU when this investment package is being discussed in the future. Meanwhile in South-east Asian, China is trying to have a good relationship with the ASEAN countries. On November 15, 2020, 15 Asia-Pacific nations, including China, signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) which is the world’s largest free-trade agreement (FTA).


1: SOEs is the abbreviation for State-Owned Enterprises

2: Charles Michel is a Belgian politician serving as President of the European Council since 2019. He previously served as Prime Minister of Belgium between 2014 and 2019. The European Council is a collegiate body that defines the overall political directions and priorities of the European Union.

3: Ursula von der Leyen is a German politician and physician who has been the president of the European Commission since 1 December 2019. The European Commission is the executive branch of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the EU treaties and managing the day-to-day business of the EU.

2021年1月13日 星期三

Russian national vaccines: doctors and nurses not cooperating - strong distrust in people

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

ロシア国産ワクチン、医師や看護師もそっぽ 国民の不信感根強く

2020.12.25 Fri posted at 10:21 JST

モスクワ(CNN) 米国や英国で新型コロナウイルスワクチンに対する期待が高まる中、世界の中でもいち早く幅広い国民を対象とするワクチン接種を開始したロシア。だが国民の不信感に阻まれて、接種に訪れる人はまばらな状態が続いている。

















Moscow (CNN) - Russia was one of the first in the world to start vaccination for a wide range of people amid the rising expectations for the new coronavirus vaccine now in the United States and the United Kingdom. However, in Russia the number of people who come to the vaccination remained sparse because of the distrust of the people.

Two weeks ago 70 vaccination facilities, as the first strongholds in Russia, were opened in Moscow. The Russian-made vaccine "Sputnik V" were being vaccinated for medical professionals.

But according to the mayor of Moscow, only 15,000 people had been vaccinated so far. Only about 15 people were vaccinated per day at each facility, in contrast to more than 271,000 people in the United States in the first week.

The reservation sites in nine facilities in Moscow which CNN investigated were conspicuously vacant, and two other facilities visited for coverage had no line-ups.

Initially, Moscow targeted the healthcare workers and teachers for vaccination, and soon expanded it to include journalists and public transport staff.

However, according to local media reports, virtually anyone could apply for vaccination if they met the health conditions because strict document screenings had not been carried out.

This situation told a story of public distrust of the vaccines. Russia extensively approved Sputnik V in August this year after conducting clinical trials with dozens of people. However, experts had strongly criticized the announcement of an approval before doing a large phase 3 clinical trial that aimed at verifying safety and efficacy.

According to the manufacturer, Sputnik V had demonstrated more than a 90% effectiveness in clinical trials. However, criticism had spread that it might have been rushed the announcement to catch up with competitors' vaccines, such as the vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech.

Putin instructed the government to start a large-scale vaccination on the 2nd of this month, two hours after the UK approved the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines.

Distrust in vaccines posed a challenge for governments that wanted the majority of their population to be vaccinated. Especially in Russia, medical personnel who were supposed to promote vaccination to citizens were themselves not interested in getting vaccinated.

Victoria Alexandrova, a practitioner in St. Petersburg, confessed that "I'm not going to be vaccinated at this time, because Russian vaccines are opaque and unproven."

Most doctors and nurses interviewed by CNN had expressed concerns about the process of vaccine development and its approval; and had said that they would not be vaccinated until detailed data were available.

In a poll conducted by an independent research institute on Russian citizens in late October, 59% of respondents said they did not want vaccination when the vaccine was voluntary and free, an increase of 4 points from the August survey.

In a poll conducted by the ruling United Russia party in October, 73% said they had no plans to get vaccinated.

President Putin (68) emphasized at an annual press conference on the 17th that the effects of Sputnik V had been proven, and emphasized that "there is no reason not to get vaccinated."

But he admitted that he had not yet been vaccinated with Sputnik V, explaining that older people over the age of 60 were not advised to be vaccinated.

              So, it is interesting to note that even some Russian medical staff themselves have no confidence in the vaccine produced by its own country. People’s trust is important for a government to push forward its policies smoothly. Vaccination is a medial as well as a political issue.

2021年1月12日 星期二


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

China's winter chills clean energy transition as factories fire up

Reuters Wed., December 23, 2020, 8:49 p.m. PST

By Muyu Xu, Stella Qiu and Emily Chow

BEIJING/YIWU, China (Reuters) - China's harsh winter and stunning manufacturing recovery this year have pushed up electricity demand across the country's industrial belt, complicating Beijing's drive to cut businesses' power usage and their reliance on polluting coal-fired energy.

The surge in demand also comes as the cold hampers the ability of renewable energy to fill the gap left by a severe coal shortage, raising doubts about the reliability of cleaner sources to power the world's second-largest economy during critical periods.

In Zhejiang province, an economic powerhouse in eastern China, cities including Wenzhou and Yiwu told factories to scale back production and government departments were told not to turn on heat unless temperatures fall below 3 Celsius.

"We're already running late in fulfilling our orders and now the government wants us to shut down for one day every three days. This is not helping at all," said a factory owner in Yiwu, declining to be named due to the sensitivity of the matter.

Meanwhile, the southern provinces of Hunan and Jiangxi also imposed curbs on factory and residential power usage.

Across China, November power consumption rose 9% from a year earlier, with industrial demand up 10%, fuelled by a resurgent economy and a 21% increase in exports to meet COVID-driven demand for electronics, protective gear and other goods.

Coal supplies, meanwhile, are tight despite record domestic output in November as a runaway economic recovery sucks up power.

The municipality of Jinhua, which includes Yiwu, missed its energy efficiency targets during the first three quarters of this year and all of last year, according to its statistics bureau, and the rationing is part of efforts to meet targets.

At the Heart of Yiwu Mall, lights, escalators and heating were shut off, store employees said. While the lights and escalators were restarted this week, the heat was not, forcing shop staff to rug up in winter coats.

The restrictions came into force on Dec. 13, and two Yiwu factory owners said they were told it would last until the end of the year.

To address localised power shortages, Beijing has urged coal miners to ramp up output and energy firms to diversify gas sources. It has also allowed customs to clear imported coal that had built up at ports during the summer due to unofficial import quotas aimed at supporting local producers.

While Australian coal has reportedly been excluded from customs clearances, it accounts for less than 3% of China's total thermal coal usage.

Daily coal use at major coal-fired plants in eight coastal provinces in eastern China was up 20% annually last week, according to China-based CCTD consultancy.

Coal inventories at those utilities were at 87% of 2019 levels, less than 15 days' worth of consumption. China's general coal inventory at major power plants in coastal regions could support consumption for 23 days, state TV reported this week.


Coal still dominates Chinese power generation, accounting for nearly 60% of supply.

Despite long-time efforts to switch to cleaner energy, China's power grid remains largely reliant on coal, to meet base-load demand, especially during the cold season when there is less hydropower and power supplies typically tighten.

"With the more ambitious renewables push, China will find its grid system facing bigger challenges to ensure firm capacity during peak times," said Lara Dong, senior power director at IHS Markit in Beijing.

In the southern provinces of Jiangxi and Hunan, which rely heavily on hydro and renewables, demand this season overwhelmed supply, with coal plants unable to fill the gap after local miners were shut due to environmental and safety reasons and national curbs on output earlier this year, crimping supply.

In Hunan, wind turbines were frozen by an early cold snap this month that brought ice and snow.

China aims to increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25% by 2030, up from 15.3% in 2019, and aspires to reach carbon neutrality by 2060.

In August, Beijing rolled out a draft plan to encourage power producers to add storage facilities and better integrate their use of coal and other sources to ensure stability and flexibility of the grid.


北京/義烏(路透社)- 今年中國嚴酷的冬季和驚人的製造業復甦推動了該國整個工業帶的電力需求,使北京減少企業用電量和對染燃煤能源的依賴變得更加複雜。



義烏的一家工廠老闆, 由於事情的敏感性而拒透露姓名之下:“我們在履行訂單方面已經很晚了,現在政府希望我們每三天關閉一天。這對事情完全沒有幫助”。







為了解決局部電力短缺的問題,北京已敦促煤礦工人提高量,並要求能源公司擴大天然氣來源。由於旨在支持當地生者非官方的進口配額的煤,夏季在港口積了, 海關允許他們清關。







IHS Markit北京高級電力總監Lara Dong表示: “隨著雄心勃勃推動可再生能源的,中國將發現其電網系統面臨更大的挑戰,以確保高峰時段的穩定容量。”

在江南和湖南這兩個主要依賴水力和可再生能源的省份,本季度需求供不應求。由於環境和安全原因當地礦工被叫停, 以及今年早些時候的全國量限制,燃煤電廠無法填補缺口, 供應被壓縮。




       So, it is good news that China’s factory production has resumed normal, as reflected in its increased demand on electricity. Yet on the other hand, this incident shows that tight electricity supply could become a weak spot in China’s manufacturing industries due to its  effort to increase the share of non-fossil fuels and decrease coal consumption in electricity production.