2020年7月1日 星期三

Antibodies in bovine blood: new corona drug aiming at clinical trials - US biotechnology company

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

ウシの血液中の抗体で新型コロナ薬、臨床試験目指す 米バイオ企業

2020.06.17 Wed posted at 16:59 JST

 (CNN) 米サウスダコタ州のバイオ企業が、遺伝子操作したウシに新型コロナウイルスのヒト抗体を作らせて治療や予防に使う薬の開発に取り組んでいる。来月には臨床試験に入ることを目指して手続きを進めているという。








(CNN) A biotechnology company in South Dakota was working on the development of a drug for treating and preventing humans of the new coronavirus by using genetically engineered cattle to make human antibodies. It was said that the procedure was proceeding with the aim of entering a clinical trial next month.

 According to Eddie Sullivan, CEO of SAB BioTherapeutics, the antibodies in the blood of cattle had shown to inactivate the new virus in the laboratory. The size and duration of clinical trials had not been disclosed.

 The company succeeded in producing human antibodies by manipulating genes in cells collected from bovine skin, and had produced many cloned bovines so far. It was said that a drug called "SAB185" had already produced several hundred doses from the antibody produced by injecting a new virus into some of them.

 "Serotherapy," which used antibodies from patients who had recovered from an infectious disease for treatment, had long been known. Yet according to the company, the use of cattle had several advantages. First, the immunity of cattle was stronger than that of humans, and it could be further strengthened by repeatedly injecting the virus.

 Also, because the bovine body was large, it could provide more blood. Furthermore, humans could only provide blood components once a month, while cattle could provide up to three times a month.

 A recent study also reported that the antibody contained in the drug that the company made from bovine blood was four times as high as the level detected in human patients.

In a study of making humanized antibodies to new viruses in genetically engineered animals, the US bio-pharmaceutical giant Regeneron Pharmaceuticals announced last week that it had begun clinical trials of a drug developed by using mice. It said it would be possible to start supplying this summer.

              So, this is another source of vaccine that can deal with the new virus. In the pharmaceutical world the competition to be the first to produce the vaccine is very fierce. I think the first may not be the best.

