2018年5月21日 星期一

Suntory: due to its popularity whisky sale was partly suspended, there was insufficient unblended malt

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
ウイスキー人気で原酒不足 一部販売休止に サントリー
515 1449









The popularity of domestic whiskey was higher than expected; as the unblended malt whisky took a long time to make and there was insufficient stock, Suntory as a major maker suspended its sale of certain goods.

According to Suntory Holdings among the domestic whiskey 2 kinds of sale were being suspended, they were Hakushu 12 and Kyou 17.  

As early as from next month to around September this year stock would run out, and in this way the sale would be suspended.

Whiskey sale became a boom as the domestic brands had won worldwide prize; also it was put on sale by key manufacturers such as Suntory that emphasized the making of highball by mixing whisky with carbonated water. The domestic total shipment had increased more than 2 times in 10 years.

It was said that the goods suspended this time needed a ripening period of at least 12 to 17 years ahead; at that time it was before the boom of and there was little production of the unblended malt whisky, it meant that it was particularly inadequate.

Suntory, in response to the increases in demand in the past few years, had added the distillation iron pots that made the unblended malt whisky and the production was being increased, but still it was in a situation that demand could not be fully met.

Suntory was saying that “for sales resumption, I have to ensure that the amount of unblended malt whisky could meet the demand; but there is no such a prospect at present."

     It seems that in Japan the Japanese whisky is more popular then the Scottish whisky.

