Recently the NHK News
On-line reported the following:
日本のサービス業 労働生産性「米の半分ほどの水準」
4月9日 5時01分
My translation
A survey result on the
labor productivity that aimed at finding out the efficiency of the Japanese service
industry was gathered, it indicated
that it was half of the American standard.
Labor productivity
was an index to show how much goods and service one employee could generated in
1 hour.
Regarding the retail
trade and service industry of the restaurant business, the Japan productivity
head office which was a foundation of public interests, based on the working
hours etc. compared the 5 countries of Japan, United States, Germany, United
Kingdom and France as of 2015.
As a result, the labor
productivity of Japan was the lowest in the 5 countries; reaching half the standard of the United States which
was at the highest.
It was said that the
reasons were due to the practice of the long our laboring such as opening 24
hours, and that high-quality service was offered at a low price.
Prof. Miho Takizawa of Toyo University department of economics who did the investigation said that
“Japan can provide warm service in the spirit of hospitality and from the
viewpoint of consumers Japan is a wonderful country; but as labor productivity
is low, it needs IT etc. for efficiency", pointing out that it was important to
advance some reform.
I believe that Japanese shops are providing a warm service to its
customers in the spirit of hospitality, and from the viewpoint of consumers
Japan is a wonderful country.