2018年4月4日 星期三

Japanese high school students had tendency on low self-esteem: an investigation in Japan, the U.S., China and South Korea

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
日本の高校生 自己肯定感低い傾向 日米中韓で調査
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A survey result gathered had showed that Japanese high school students’ own self-esteem tended to be low compared with high school students in the United States, China and Korea.

This investigation was done by the national youth education promotion organization and was carried out in cooperation with 3 other research institutes on a high school student of their respective countries; it had a response from 8,480 people in total.

On the percentage of the high school student who had replied that "I think I have a value as a human being", it was 44.9% in Japan while it was over 80% in the other 3 countries.

Also on the questions "I am satisfied with myself" and "Even if it was hard, it could be overcome",  those who replied "I think so" among the 4 countries, the percentage of the Japanese high school student was the lowest, it was understood as having a tendency on low self-esteem.

Furthermore,  the Japanese female high school students who thought themselves as "I'm overweight", "I am a little bit overweight" was 51.9%; and was more than 30 points higher than the American high school students.

A schoolgirl of a high school second years said that “I am not as good as others, I just have no confidence. I always feel depressed at night."

The national youth education promotion organization said "there is less experience on group life, and may be it is because more young people become worry about the comments of others."

     It is an interesting survey and the outcome in Japan is surprising to me.

