2018年3月17日 星期六

The retirement term of the President of China was abolished; even with a wave of critical comments they were deleted one after another

Recently the NHK New On-line reported the following:
中国 国家主席の任期撤廃 批判の投稿殺到も次々に削除
311 1841





My translation

When a proposed constitution amendment which incorporated the abolition of the state chief’s retirement term was adopted by National People's Congress = the whole country standing committee of people's congress  held in China, critical messages in Way Baud, the China version of Twitter rushed in, but they were deleted by the authority one after another.

Among these, in "Chinese Youth Report” a newspapers related to the Communist Party of China, its extra edition conveyed the proposed amendment of constitution, and in its comments column there were  readers contribution saying that  "there is no shame", "the state is finished". Also to avoid censorship, contribution using a different kanji with the same way to mean the word "empire" in Chinese was also seen.

Also, on the Internet there were comments "finally a place where you can express your opinion was found", "still a comment can be made?" etc., it could be seen that amidst severe censorship by the authority, many people were searching for a place where they could write a critical opinion.

But these comments were allowed and eliminated several minutes later and you could not read them anymore. It was thought that the nerve of the authority had been put on edge because of the wide spread opinion that was critical of the abolition of the retirement term.

    I think the wide spread critical comments are understandable.

