2018年3月5日 星期一

Children with thyroid cancer due to the nuclear accident:10 percent or 8 people had cancer recurrence and operations performed

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
原発事故 甲状腺がんの子ども 1割の8人再発し再手術
31 418








My translation

A private fund which provided support in monitoring the children who were diagnosed to have thyroid cancer after the accident in Tokyo Electric Power Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant examined the progress of children who had received surgery, it was found out that  8 people or approximately 10 percent had cancer recurrence and received operation again.

The "3. 11 Thyroid Cancer Children Fund" was supporting  medical expenses of 100,000 yen to each child under the age of 25 who had been diagnosed to be likely to suffer from thyroid cancer or some other cancer after the nuclear accident; it provided  private fund to 114 people up to the end of January.

Related to this Fund, 84 people who were living in Fukushima-ken during the accident were monitored after the operations, among them 8 people or 9.5%  were found to have received operations to remove the thyroid etc. due to the recurrence of the thyroid cancer.

It was said that these eight people who had received operations were aged from 6 to 15 during the accident, the earliest person to have cancer recurrence was one year after the operation.

Through a thyroid check done in Fukushima-ken, the people diagnosed as to have suspected cancer or confirmed cancer so far reached 194 people, and the cases on recurrence were noted.

But even in the exploratory committee of the prefecture detailed data were not made clear. It was said that the Fund wanted to inspect cases of cancer recurrence in the country and the prefecture.

As it was reaching 7 years after the incident, the Fund was planning to do a free telephone consultation by doctors for 3 days, and the telephone number was 0120-966-544.

     I hope the cancer victims would be carefully looked after.

