2012年7月19日 星期四


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
毎日新聞 20120706日 2013分(最終更新 0706日 2213分)




Regarding the building of a stadium inside the Expo Memorial Park in Suita city of Osaka that would be used especially for soccer games and as the new headquarters of J1- Ga in Osaka, the individual contribution as part of the fund for the construction work had made little progress. Although the "Stadium Construction Fund-Raising Organization" which was related to the soccer community and the business world of Kansai etc. had started receiving contribution starting from April this year up to March next year, only 50 million yen or 2.5% of the target (2 billion yen) had been collected in the first three months. Ga Osaka’s the painfully poor ranking of the 16th place in the present league was likely to serve as a backdrop for this hard-fighting.

The present headquarters, the Expo'70 Commemoration Stadium (Suita city) as a roughly 40-year-old structure was due to be superannuated; the new stadium was scheduled to be completed before the end of 2014. The aim was to have a facility that could accommodate 40,000 people that would represent Japan when holding international matches.

For the moment, the prospect of up to 11 billion yen of construction fund was secured, of which a subsidy of 3 billion yen was from the independent administrative agency and a contribution of 8 billion yen was from a sponsor company etc. While with this amount of money it was possible to construct a facility with a size that could accommodate about 30,000 people, but aiming at a 40,000 people, 14 billion yen was scheduled to be collected. On the side of the fund-raising organization, for the remaining 3 billion yen, 1 billion would be collected from the individuals and 2 billion yen from the corporations; and supposedly an institution with a 40,000-people capacity could be realized.

I hope Osaka could eventually get the donations they need to build this new stadium.

