2012年7月3日 星期二


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
総合職試験の応募者は、11年度実施の1種試験と比べ13%減(3686人減)となった。合格者のうち採用予定者数は517人で、同8%減(45人減)となる。 (2012年6月25日16時50分 読売新聞)
On the 25th the National Personnel Authority announced that 1326 candidates had passed the national civil servant consolidated positions application examination in the 2012 fiscal year. There were 23,881 applicants, the ratio was 18 times.
The consolidated career positions examination was carried out for the first time this year replacing the single national civil servant examination used to select the so called career bureaucrats. Female candidate’s successful percentage was 23.1%, and became the highest ever throughout the single examination.
To breakdown the number of successful candidates by university, the highest was 410 people from the University of Tokyo, following the descending order was 116 people from Kyoto University and 99 from the Waseda University.
The applicant for the career positions examination decreased by 13% compared with the single examination enforced in the fiscal year of 2011 (a decrease 3686 people). Among all the successful candidates, 517 people were scheduled to be offered appointment, being an 8% decrease (a decrease of 45 people).

The Japanese government is streamlining the employment of government employees. It seems that students from the University of Tokyo are by far more successful in their job applications

