2011年4月3日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:
これまでの東日本大震災の津波調査での中では最大記録。明治三陸地震(1896年)の際に、同県大船渡市で観測された国内最高の38・2メートルに迫る。 同地区の小堀内漁港周辺で行った調査では、海岸から200メートル離れた山の斜面の高さ37・9メートル地点で、落ち葉が津波により洗い流されていたほか、その数メートル下では消防車が大破していたことが確認された。 同研究所の都司嘉宣准教授は「調査はまだ始まったばかりで、さらに高い地点で津波の痕跡が見つかる可能性は十分にある」と話している。
On the 3rd, from the site investigation done by the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo, it was understood that the tsunami of the East Japan great earthquake had gone up to 37.9 meters in height at the mountain slope in the Taro district of Iwate Prefecture Miyako City. Up to now, it was the highest record in the tsunami investigation due to the East Japan great earthquake. It approached the highest 38.2 meters in the country observed in the same prefecture at Ofunato City at the Meiji Sanriku earthquake (1896). In the investigation that had been done around the fishing port Kobori in the same district, at the slope of the mountain that was 200 meters from the coast, there were fallen leaves washed by the tsunami at a 37.9-meter high location; besides, several meters down, it was confirmed that there was a fire engine that had been damaged seriously. Associate Professor Tsujiyoshinobu of the same research institute said that "The investigation has just started, and there is high possibility in finding signs of the tsunami at even higher location".

It is shocking to note that the highest point of the present tsunami could reach 37.9 meters on land.

