2011年4月12日 星期二

3.11 地震保險賠償將會是阪神地震四倍以上

Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:
生命保険協会の渡辺光一郎会長(第一生命保険社長)は12日の衆院財務金融委員会に参考人として出席し、東日本大震災による生命保険金の支払額が業界全体で2000億円規模にのぼるとの見通しを初めて明らかにした。これまで最大だった1995年の阪神大震災(483億円)の4倍以上に膨らむ。 渡辺会長は「行方不明の方がたくさんいる。遺族の心情に配慮し、どういうタイミングで支払うかが大きな課題」と述べ、早めに保険金を支払う考えを示した。 また、生保協会は、被災者の保険が失効しないように保険料の支払いを猶予する期間を最大6か月延長することを決めたが、渡辺会長は、これをさらに延長する方向で検討することも表明した。損害保険業界も同様の措置をとる見通しだ。
Kouichi Watanabe the chairman of The Life Insurance Association of Japan (the president of Dai-ichi Mutual Life Insurance) attended the House of Representatives Finance Committee on the 12th as a witness, for the first time disclosed the expectation that the amount of payment for the life insurance due to the East Japan great earthquake would rise to 200 billion yen scale in the entire industry. It increased four times or more over the largest amount up to now: the Great Hanshin Earthquake (48.3 billion yen) in 1995. Chairman Watanabe said 「There are a lot people missing. Taking into consideration of the feeling of the bereaved families, the big problem is the timing of payment」.The idea of paying insurance at an early time was indicated. Moreover, although the life insurance society had decided that for delayed payments, the period before the insured victim's insurance would lapse was six months, Watanabe the chairman declared that consideration was taken in the direction of extending it further. The damage insurance industry was expected to take similar measures.
It is understandable that the amount of life insurance involved regarding the East Japan great earthquake would be four times more than that of the Hanshin Earthquake in 1995.

