2010年7月1日 星期四


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following:

 研究チームは、成熟したオスだけが分泌する「ESP1」という小さなたんぱく質の機能を解析。メスは通常、オスが交尾を仕掛けても10回に1回ほどしか受け入れないが、ESP1を与えると2回に1回ほどに増えた。 メスは鼻の下部の「鋤鼻(じょび)器官」にあるセンサーでESP1を認識し、発情を調整する視床下部に情報を送っていた。センサーを働かなくすると交尾の促進は見られなくなった。 効果てきめんのESP1だが、霊長類や人間にはこの遺伝子がなく、男が泣いても効果は期待できない。

Tokyo University professor (applied life chemistry) Higashiharawana and others had clarified that the material secreted from lachrymal gland of male mouse could stimulate mesu of the brain and promote copulation. It was the first time that the mechanism of this sexual pheromone was clarified. It was announced in the British science magazine Nature.

The research team analyzed the function of a small protein "ESP1" that only a mature male would secrete. Even if the male began copulating, in normal condition the mesu of the brain would give only one success out of every ten times, but it was increased to about once every two times wen ESP1 was given. The mesu allowed the sensor that existed in "jobi organ" under the nose to recognize ESP1, and to send information to the hypothalamus that controlled sexual excitement. Without this senor, promotion of copulation could not be seen. But even if a man cried, the effect could not be expected because neither primates nor men had this gene though ESP1 had such an effect.

So, Japanese scientists have proved that the lachrymal grand of the mouse is important for copulating.

