2020年7月13日 星期一

香港的新國家安全法對商業有什麼味意 (上)

Yahoo Finance on 1.7.2020 reported the following:

What Hong Kong’s New Security Law Means for Business

Bloomberg Bloomberg News,Bloomberg 12 hours ago

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(Bloomberg) -- After more than five weeks of waiting, the business world is getting its first real look at the controversial national security law that will shape Hong Kong’s future as a financial hub.

Big questions still remain about how China’s Communist Party will wield its new powers in the former British colony, but the law’s public unveiling on Tuesday provides some clues. Here are some early takeaways from investors, bankers, economists and business leaders:

No big surprises for markets; short-term moves in stocks, the yuan and Hong Kong’s dollar will depend on the U.S. response. Hong Kong equities will continue to get support from Chinese buyers. Over the long term, the risk premium for Hong Kong assets will likely rise, resulting in depressed valuations and potential capital outflows. Continued uncertainty over the law’s implementation, the response by protesters, and retaliation from the Trump administration may restrain Hong Kong’s economic recovery. International companies using Hong Kong as an Asia hub will become more reluctant to engage in local politics and may hedge their exposure to the city. Firms that store data in Hong Kong will increasingly look for alternatives

The comments below, from people with capital and livelihoods at stake in Hong Kong, have been lightly edited and condensed.

Michael Tien, a member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council and founder of fashion retailer G2000 Apparel Ltd.

The central government is telling us to just stay out of politics. Build the economy, innovate, build up livelihoods, build bigger flats for people to live in, add more land, but stay away from politics. We can still criticize the government, but probably on livelihood issues, infrastructure projects, how they do on quality of life. In terms of freedom of speech, that is something that is very much on peoples’ minds. I don’t think they’re going to use the law indiscriminately. I do believe they’re going to use it in very rare occasions.

Jes Staley, chief executive officer of Barclays Plc

I’m not going to get involved in the politics. Clearly, we support all of our colleagues and clients across Asia and in China and in Hong Kong. It’s a very difficult political situation. We’ve not made a statement, we’re not going to make a statement. We’re a major British bank. We need to be very cognizant of what’s going on in the U.K. and the position taken by the U.K. government. But we’re not going to get involved in the politics of Hong Kong.

Jun Bei Liu, portfolio manager at Tribeca Investment Partners in Sydney

I do feel this will add to the complexity of working in Hong Kong or operating out of Hong Kong. As an investor, what you do with all this complexity is to add a bit more of a risk premium when it comes to that market. Longer term, it could be possible you see more international firms and investors based out of Asian markets instead of Hong Kong being the central hub.

But I think Hong Kong is still very, very relevant and it is the hub to have access to China, which is an enormous market. We attend conferences in Hong Kong almost annually, except this year. We want to see and feel all the companies over there. I don’t think that will go away.

Law Ka-chung, adjunct professor at City University of Hong Kong and former Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) economist who said he was asked to leave the role in part due to his views on the impact of Hong Kong’s protests

It is not only about the law itself. It is more about how the world sees “two systems.” Now the world believes there is only “one system”, and that Hong Kong is no longer a free capitalism market. That will accelerate capital outflow and foreign capital flight.

Investment aside, doing business through Hong Kong is also going to be hit hard, with the U.S., EU, India, Japan, Australia and many countries seeking to “de-China.” Hong Kong used to be the springboard for them to eventually go into China and provided financial services in-between. This formula no longer works.

Charles Mok, a member of Hong Kong’s Legislative Council who represents the information technology industry

The feeling is that, all of a sudden, the one country, two systems arrangement has disappeared and Hong Kong is truly just another part of China. What the U.S. is doing in response right now is inevitable because they would be worried about the technology being transferred into China or falling into the wrong hands. It will definitely impact our research and development efforts, including even civilian or academic research.

Investment from international companies in Hong Kong for data centers and network infrastructure and so on will be hampered. Fintech companies or other kinds of technology companies will really worry about the future for Hong Kong and whether or not they might have to consider moving some of the operations to other parts of the world. It’s ironic that passing this national security law may make the international community feel that Hong Kong is less secure.

Michael Hsia, who sells cash equities at Vantage Capital in Hong Kong

For investors, it means that there is clarity to the situation. Although this might not sound like a positive in terms of how a westerner or outsider views this law, it at least addresses how China will deal with the situation and that the stability of the city is paramount. For companies it will also be similar too, in that they can operate knowing that their security will be solid.

It will be criticized as some kind of suppression to freedom, yet at least it brings about some level of stability that was once totally taken for granted in Hong Kong.

(to be continued)


(彭博社)- 經過五個多星期的等待,商業界開始對有爭議的國家安全法進行首次真正的審視,該法將影響香港作為金融中心的未來。




田北俊(Michael Tien),香港立法會議員,時尚零售商G2000 Apparel Ltd的創始人


Barclays Plc首席執行官Jes Staley


Tribeca Investment Partners悉尼投資組合經理Jun Jun Liu








國際公司在香港對數據中心和網絡基礎設施等的投資將受到限制。金融科技公司或其他類型的科技公司將真的擔心香港的未來,以及是否必須考慮將部分業務轉移到世界其他地方。 具有諷刺意味的是,通過這項國家安全法可能會使國際社會感到香港不甚安全。

邁克爾·夏(Michael Hsia),他在香港Vantage Capital経營現金股票




