2018年12月24日 星期一

Year-end party of a company: the real feeling was that more than 40 percent "don't want to participate "…

Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
会社の忘年会 本音は「参加したくない」4割以上に…
20181219 412









As the year end was approaching, it was the time to hold a year-end party by a company. A survey result showed that more than 40 percent of the office workers aged between twenties and forties did not to want to join the gathering.

A questionnaire survey was done in the whole country last month by the "Tanabe Mitsubishi Medicine Manufacturing", a major medicine manufacturing company, targeting at 500 male and female office workers aged between twenties and forties through the internet.

When asked how they really feel about participation in a year-end party of a company, 15% answered "I don't want" to participate; 29% said that "if anything I don't want to participate”, the people who answered negatively added up to 44% in total.

The lady had the tendency of high percentage in this respect; ladies in their twenties was 50%, in the thirties was 48%.

About the reasons why one did not want to participate, "I had to pay attention so I get tired." "I would like to drink with a friend more than a person of the company"; voices such as these could be heard.

On the other hand, "I'd like to participate" was 29%, "if anything I'd like to participate" was 26%.

Tanabe Mitsubishi Medicine Manufacturing which held the survey said that "It reflects that there are certain number of people participating with negative feelings the year-end party which was organized with great efforts. For the company it also needs to do some countermeasures."

          I am interested to note how this survey result would stand if compared with similar surveys done in other periods.

