2012年9月29日 星期六


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:





The re-examined draft on the social assistance system which was released on the 28th by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare had stepped deeper than ever on both sides: on the so called "candies" portion, such as additional amount of funding to urge for working volition, and the "whip" portion to urge for tightening on the checking. However, minute support was indispensable to raise the fruit of promoting working. If this premise collapsed, only tightening would be emphasized and the function of "the last safety net" might retreat.

Towards people with the volition to work, the mechanism was relaxed in which conservation expense would be reduced if wages were received --. Regarding the draft which strongly urged recipients to work, the committee from the side of the self-governing body which was responsible for actual operations expressed its approval on this direction in the sectional meeting of Social Security Council on the 28th. However, questions on their effectiveness remained there.

For example, there was one item criticized: while additional amount of funding was set aside, the assessment of "There is the volition to work" was not shown. Although the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare had been taking into the calculation that job interviews etc. would be held on several occasions, a caseworker had revealed that "superficial alibi can be made without limit."

Because of financial difficulties, there is always a chance that social welfare benefits could be reduced by the government.

