2011年4月17日 星期日


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:

On the 16th and 17th the Asahi Shinbun carried out a Nationwide regular public opinion poll (by telephone) to ask about the future of the nuclear power, in total 41% said that "You should decrease it" and "It is necessary to stop it". About using tax increase as the fiscal resources for the recovery after the East Japan great earthquake, 59% was "In agreement", higher then the 31% "In opposition".

When asked "What should be done regarding nuclear power generation in future" and to reply choosing from four answers, 5% chose "You should increase it", 51% "Stop it at the current level", 30% "You should decrease it", 11% "It is necessary to stop it". Compared to the investigation done in 2007 with similar questions and with the explanation that 30 % of the electricity was generated by nuclear power, 13% had said "Increased it", 53% "Keep at current level", 21% "Decrease it", 7% "Stop it"; the total of "Decrease it" and "Stop it" stood at 28%.

On the approval or disapproval for the use of nuclear power generation, 50% was "In agreement", 32% was "In opposite". Among those in opposition, 20% answered that in future the nuclear power generation should "Stop at the current level". By sex, in men it was 62% "In agreement" and 27% "In opposition"; in women correspondingly it was 38% to 37%, which was almost equal. Regarding the accident happened at the number one nuclear plant in Fukushima, in total 89% ("Very much" 56% and "To some degree" 33%) answered that they "Feel insecurity". When asked about was there any uneasy feeling over the happening of big accidents in other nuclear power plants, 38% "Feel it to some degree", 50% "Feel uneasiness very much". Among those people who said feeling uneasy very much, those who answered that in future the nuclear power generation should "Be decreased" and "Be stopped" stood high at 55% in total. The opinion that agreed with a tax increase as a fiscal resource for recovery, it reached 59% among Non-aligned voters and 53% in the Liberal-Democratic Party; Democratic supporters was at a high of 66%. When it was asked whether taxation increase, or government bond was the good major fiscal resource for recovery, 48% was for "Tax increase", and 25% for "Government bond".

Even after the accident at the number one nuclear plant in Fukushima, over half of the Japanese still want to depend on the nuclear plants for electricity.

