2011年4月7日 星期四


Recently the Asahi News reported the following:
東京商工リサーチ東北支社が7日調査をまとめた。石巻市内に本社がある企業は約2600社あり、うち67.3%の1749社が浸水した。従業員は正社員だけで1万8千人。東京商工リサーチは「事業を再開できなければ、解雇もあり得る」とみている。 浸水した企業の年間売上高は計約4720億円と、市内企業の73.0%を占める。業種別では、基幹産業である水産加工を含む製造業が1213億円で最多だった。
It was understood that in Ishinomaki City, the number two city in Miyagi Prefecture the enterprise that had been flooded by the tsunami of the East Japan great earthquake had reached 70%. As the corporations concentrated their location at the coastal region of the port, the damage increased. On the 7th, the Tokyo Shoko Research northeast branch office brought together its investigation. There were about 2600 company enterprises that had the headquarters in Ishinomaki city, and 1749 companies or 67.3% were flooded. The number of regular employee alone was 18,000 people. Tokyo Shoko Research thought that "There could be a dismissal, too, if the business cannot be restarted". Annual sales of the flooded enterprises was about 472 billion yen, representing 73.0% of the city's total enterprise sales. As for the types of industries, manufacturing including the seafood processing was the key industry and was the highest, standing at 121.3 billion yen.
It will take some time before the business activities in the region could recover.

