2010年9月1日 星期三


Recently the Yomiuri News reported the following: 





For the first time in the world, Japan eels "Complete cultivation" had been succeeded and the second generation had grown up to the elver (fry) successfully, too. This was announced by the fishery synthesis research center (Yokohama City headquarters).

The same center was saying that "It is going one step closer to the target of mass-producing eels".

The elver is a stage that the same figure would become the adult fish. In traditional cultivation the elver is captured and raised into the adult fish. In breeding the stage from the egg to full grown elver is difficult.

The egg and the sperm were gathered from eels that were completely cultivated at the Shibushi aquaculture center of the same center (Kagoshima Prefecture) in March this year, and eggs were artificially fertilized. In several days it hatched, about 1000 grew into "Larval fish", a stage before becoming a fry. Among these 30 grew up to the elver by end of August.

This a a good news for many who love eating eels. If complete cultivation is successful, the supply of eels would be plenty and the price would be more affordable.

