2018年1月2日 星期二

The labor productivity of Japan was ranked the lowest among the G 7 countries

日本の労働生産性 主要7か国で最下位
1221 445分働き方改革







My translation:

While the government of Japan was promoting the improvement of productivity for its economic revival, a survey result gathered from the G7= the 7 major countries on "labor productivity” which indicated how efficient the laborers were working had showed that Japan was ranked at the lowest.

Labor productivity was an index which indicated how much product and service one employee could generate in one hour.

The Japan Productivity Headquarters as a public interest foundation had done a survey on the 35 countries that  had joined the OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, their labor productivity of last year was analyzed and Japan was ranked 20 which was the lowest among the G7 countries.

Related to the above, the Productivity Headquarters made an analysis and found out that the reasons were that the ways that could improving productivity in a short time did not get acceptance, and that the high-quality product  and service which needed  time and effort to produce were provided at a relative low price.

Among the 7 countries the United States was at the 6th place while Germany was at the 8th etc., at the first place was Ireland where global enterprises such as major IT companies were successfully invited.

Japan Productivity Headquarters said that “related to the topic on how to reform working methods and productivity in face of the labor shortage, since 1970 the labor productivity of Japan continues to be ranked at the lowest among the G7. There is an expectation on productivity improvement due to automation etc. through the use of AI= artificial intelligence."

   I hope AI could help Japan improve its future productivity.

