2016年1月6日 星期三

越南船被中國船撞.. 7人拋出

A few days ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:

20160103 2154


20160103 2154

(My translation)

    According to the Vietnamese government managed paper Toiche (electronic edition) dated 3rd, on the 1st at the South China Sea off the coast of Vietnamese central Kuanchi province, a Vietnamese fishing boat’s operation was interfered by being bumped into by a Chinese ship.

    Seven crew members were thrown overboard, but were rescued by other fishing boats and were safe.

    The site of the incident was the sea area about 130 kilometers from the Konko Island. The captain of the fishing boat which was banged upon told the same newspaper that "a huge ship bumped into him violently; and bumped again despite he was yelling for help. The hull was damaged, the deck became soggy" etc.

It seems that minor conflicts between China and Vietnam at the South China Sea are continuing.

