2013年6月3日 星期一


Last month the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:







20135141943分 読売新聞)


The Japan Diabetes Society and the Japanese Cancer (gan) Society announced on the 14th (May) that diabetes had become a factor which could raise the risk of cancer development symptoms.

    According to both societies, it was supposed that the shortage of vegetables, superfluous drinking and the lack of exercise, together with smoking were risk factors common to diabetes and cancer. They were appealing to learn to lead a suitable lifestyle.

Both societies established a joint committee, from 2011 they had continued the examination on the relation between diabetes and the onset of the cancer.

Analysis was done on the data of a follow-up survey carried out all over the country on the health condition of about 150,000 men and about 180,000 women. While about 20,000 men and about 13,000 women had developed a cancer, a diabetic person had 1.2 times higher risk of getting cancer compared to men and women who were not diabetic.

Especially, colorectal cancer 1.4 times; liver cancer and pancreatic cancer were about twice as high. When there was the uterine cancer or the bladder (baukou) cancer, an increase in the risk tendency to become diabetes was seen. On the other hand, as for the breast cancer and the prostate cancer, the relation with diabetes was not found.

This is a useful medical founding. Situation in other societies may be similar.

