2009年10月10日 星期六


Recently the Mainichi News reported the following:

鳩山由紀夫首相は10日夕、中国の温家宝首相と北京の人民大会堂で会談した。中国製冷凍ギョーザ事件を受け、鳩山首相は食品安全のための日中ハイレベル協議「食品安全推進イニシアチブ」の設置を提案、合意した。 鳩山首相は会談後、記者団に「欧米と中国との間では、食品安全のためのハイレベル協議が始まっている。日中間にはない」と語った。 国連の気候変動枠組み条約第15回締約国会議(COP15)について、鳩山首相が「中国も国際的なコミットをしてほしい」と要請。温首相は「成功に全力を尽くしたい」と述べた。 また、鳩山首相は温首相に訪日を招請、温首相は「来年の適当な時期にぜひ訪問したい」と同意した。

On the evening of the 10th, Japan Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama had a discussion with China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao at the People's Great Hall in Beijing. The incident on frozen dumpling made in China was raised, and Prime Minister Hatoyama's proposal of setting up some high-level consultation on "Food safety initiative promotion" was agreed upon. After the meeting, Prime Minister Hatoyama told reporters that "China's high-level consultation on the food safety with Europe and America had been started. There was no such a thing between China and Japan". In connection with United Nation's 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) on climate change, Prime Minister Hatoyama had requested "China to have an international commitment". Prime Minister Wen was quoted as saying that "I would do my best to make it a success". Moreover Prime Minister Hatoyama had invited Prime Minister Wen to visit Japan, Prime Minister Wen agreed, saying that "in an appropriate moment next year I would try my best to visit".

All along I have been wondering whether Japan will revive the poisonous dumpling incident that happened some months ago. Now it is on the agenda between Japan and China's high level talk. Good for Japan.

