2018年11月22日 星期四

To charge bags given out at the cash register – a plan was accepted by the Ministry of Environment sub-committee

Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
レジ袋有料化などの案 環境省小委員会で了承
20181114 416









A plan on "the strategy on plastic resources re-circulation" which had incorporated a policy that required charging the bags issued by the cashier in retail stores in order to reduce plastic trash was accepted by a sub-committee of the Ministry of the Environment. Soon the Ministry of Environment would decide on collecting opinion widely in the country.

In order to promote the reduction and recycling of plastic trash which had caused worries in marine pollution, the government was advancing a decision regarding "the strategy on plastic resources re-circulation".

A plan on the strategy, which was discussed on the 13th by a sub-committee of the Ministry of Environment that was made up of researchers and people in charge of industrial groups was accepted.

Inside the plan, it was supposed to suppress the disposal of containers such as plastic bottles and lunch boxes by 25% in 2030, based on actual record so far.

Also, in concrete plans, it incorporated the requirement of charging bags provided at the cash register in retail stores, and to advance a substitution for used and disposed plastic with renewable resources.

At the meeting held on the 13th, opinions had come out that there should be a system applicable to the whole country in uniformity so that any sense of unfairness among stores could be done away when the committee members requested the imposition of bag charge at the cash register.

Soon the Ministry of Environment would try to collect opinion widely from the country about a plan on strategy. On top of that the government would settle on a strategy by the time when the G20 Summit, the summit meeting of key world leaders, held in Osaka in June next year.

              Compared with Canada and Hong Kong,  it seems that Japan is slow in acting to reduce the use of plastic bags when people shopped in supermarkets etc. To bring your own bag when shopping in the market is already a common practice in many countries.

