2018年11月13日 星期二

Trump’s top official - "an agreement with China on trade is difficult"

Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:
20181110 847








A top official of the American's Trump administration, regarding the deep confrontation in trade with China, criticized that China did not keep its promise on the South China Sea and on the cyber attack; he admitted that it was not easy to conclude a satisfactory trade agreement with China.

On the 9th Navarro, the president’s assistant on trade policy who was known as an anti-Chinese hard-liner inside the Trump’s administration gave a talk in Washington city.

In the talk Navarro the assistant accused China in breaking its promise made to the former Obama administration that Chinese government would not militarize the South China Sea and would not steal the secret of enterprises by cyber-attacks; he accused that China had completely broken these.

On top of that, about making an agreement with China on trade which was in serious conflicts, he stated that "The biggest problem is trust. It's different from negotiations with Japan and Europe." He admitted that to reach a satisfactory negotiation with China on trade would not be easy.

Navarro the assistant had suggested that while on top making adjustments so as to advance towards reaching a China-U.S. summit meeting during the key 20-country summit meeting = G20 Summit scheduled to be held in Argentina at the end of this month, he insisted that the people related to Goldman Sachs and Wall Street had discussed with the Chinese government, and that they were pressurizing president Trump to reach an agreement to stop the trade friction.

Also, he said "in dealing with China the help of the American billionaires was not necessary. The ability of Trump’s political power to negotiate would only be weakened".  While not spelling out the names, he criticized those forces that asked for reaching an agreement with China.

              During a political confrontation between two countries, it seems that the side having a dictatorial political structure would have an advantage over the side that has a democratic political system. The former society often follows the decision of one person. The latter often treasures the discussion process among the people before reaching a decision, although it could take a lot of time and effort.

