2018年6月15日 星期五

New residence requirement was established to expand the acceptance of foreign human resources

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
外国人の人材受け入れ拡大へ 新たな在留資格創設へ
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In working towards expanding the acceptance of foreign human resources, the government in this year's "policy framework" would made a policy to incorporate the establishment of new residence qualifications in which people who had finished the current "Skill training system", i.e. to learn while working in Japan, could extend their residence period for 5 years as a matter of fact.

The basic policy in financial operation and reform, i.e. the so-called "large-bone policy", would be endorsed by the Cabinet next month; final adjustment in coordination was advanced in the government and the ruling party.

Because a decrease in the workforce population was expected due to declining birthrate and growing elderly people, the government limited the business category to nursing and agriculture for the expansion of human resources in accepting foreigners and made a policy which set the requirement for new residence up to 5 years at the maximum to enable residence.

In case of giving out the requirement the government would through a test ensure the knowledge ability, skills and Japanese language ability, but also it was assumed that the government would exempt a test on people currently who had finished the "Foreigner skill training system" while working in Japan.

Because in the "Skill training system" it was possible to have residence up to a maximum of 5 years, when the new system was introduced, if one had returned home once after having finished a training system, a total sum of up to 10 years in residence would become possible.

On the other hand for this system, "It's different from an immigration policy". As a principle the accompanying of the family was not allowed, but it was assumed that accompanying would be allowed when a highly specialized skill was confirmed by a test during the stay.

The government would use the next week's Council of Economic and Fiscal Policy to show a rough draft on the "large-bone policy" which incorporated such contents.

So, more technical people will be admitted into Japan in the near future.

