2017年7月20日 星期四

Indecent assault by forcibly licking victim's fingers

Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following"

ホテル従業員の指をなめた疑い 静岡 焼津市議を逮捕






A city councilor in Yaizu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, was arrested on suspicion of indecent assault by forcibly licking fingers of a front desk female employee at a hotel in Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, which he was visiting in public service. According to the police, the allegation was denied as "there is no such memory at all."

Yao Akira Onoda, 69, a member of the city council of Yaizu City, was arrested. According to the police, Mr. Onoda was suspected of indecent assault in May this year in that he forcibly licked the fingers of a 22-year-old female employee at a hotel in Himeji city.

Councilor Onoda told an employee who was at the front desk "to take out both hands" and when the employee stretched out the hands, he suddenly pulled them to the mouth.

According to police investigation, Councilor Onoda denied the allegation in say that “there was no such memory at all”.

According to Yaizu City, Onoda was visiting Himeji city for the purpose of inspecting members of the Council's committee and child care related facilities.

It seems that this is another kind of sexual harassment, interesting.

