2017年7月22日 星期六


Recently the NHK News on-line reported the following:

「安倍首相夫人は英語話さない」 トランプ大統領発言に波紋






My translation

American president Trump when talked about Ms. Akie, the wife of Prime Minister Abe who sat next to him at the dinner party of G20 Summit held in Germany at the beginning of this month, regarded her as "a wonderful lady, but could not speak English. It was to the extent that even didn’t say Hello", and a ripple was spreading.

According to an American leading newspaper the New York Times, President Trump stated in an interview regarding the dinner party of G20 Summit held in Germany at the beginning of this month that "I sat down next to the wife of Prime Minister Abe. She was a wonderful lady, but she could not speak English."

Then, when asked by the reporter "Didn't she speak at all?", he answered that "it was to the extent that even hello was not said," and stated that "When there wasn't a Japanese interpreter, it would be difficult."

In response to this, American media had pointed out that Ms. Akie had made a speech in English in New York in 2014 and posted a video taken at that time, together with the educational background of Ms. Akie, thus doubting the remarks of president Trump.

Surmise came out to the extent that some said that ‘it may be that Ms. Akie had pretended to not understand English so as to avoid talking with president Trump’. The ripple was spreading.

     It is an interesting situation. Perhaps president Trump was speaking what he truly felt. Might be he was too frank to the reporters in talking about his personal feelings. Perhaps the press was taking Trump’s comments too seriously. One thing is sure: the press love to hear such comments. I think the world in politics is different from the world of business. Good luck President Trump.

