2014年6月24日 星期二


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

ボタン電池:子どもの誤飲多発 1時間でも重症化の恐れ
毎日新聞 20140618日 2210分(最終更新 0618日 2220分)
   Regarding cases that children could accidentally swallowed a button-type battery used for toys or electronic devices, on the 18th the Consumer Affairs Agency appealed for cautions noting that 93 cases of reported accidents on consultation done in medical institutions in the whole country from December 2010 to March this year.

   When a button type battery was swallowed by mistake, there was a possibility that a hole might needed be opened at the esophagus or the stomach in a short time within one hour, yet many parents did not know that the illness could turn serious.

   The agency was saying that "if you think that there is a possibility that it was swallowed by mistake, consult a hospital immediately".

   According to the Consumer Affairs Agency, the 93 reported cases included those suspected intake by mistake incidents and ten cases were referred to a hospital. According to the age group, 54 cases were about a 1 year-old child who was able to start moving around by himself. Such case was the most numerous. (Cooperation)

To the parents, child care is an important responsibility.

