2015年6月23日 星期二

達賴喇嘛:在愛知学院大学發言 “改變未來的力量在年輕人”

A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
毎日新聞 20150407日 2235分(最終更新 0407日 2247分)


On the 7th (April) Tibet Buddhism supreme leader Dalai Lama 14th generation (79) gave a lecture to students at Aichi Gakuin University in Nisshin city of Aichi. He called on the about 2000 students that "as young people you have the power to change the future. I want you to build a happier society and state". It was his first visit to the Tokai region.

  Besides giving a lecture entitled "To learn the wisdom of Buddhism", he also talked with Mr. Akira Ikeue who served as a specially appointed professor of the same University. Dalai Lama based on his experience advised students that "it was regrettable that I lost my motherland and defected, but in certain respect I could live as a man freely, meeting different people and deepening my experience and knowledge. Would you all please see matters in a wider perspective too"?

 The importance of learning English was also being talked about. In making a joke he said "I am using broken English, but communication is possible. Because there is no possibility that my English would turn better any more, it could defeat me". It was expected that he would give a lecture in Gifu city on the 8th.

It is nice to note that Dalai Lama, already 79 years old, is still in good shape and actively travelling around the world to meet people and give talks.

