2015年6月21日 星期日

台灣: 公佈日本進口食品規定的新內容

A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:
台湾 日本食品輸入規制の新たな内容を公表
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Noting the accident at the Tokyo Electric Power Number One Fukushima nuclear power plant, the Taiwanese health authority, on top of stopping food coming from Fukushima etc. five prefectures that was already in place, now demanded obligatory radioactive checking on materials imported from some specific area on certain food, such as marine items etc. from Miyagi and Iwate. The content of the new regulation was already published.

The Taiwanese health authority had suspended the importing of food produced by five prefecture of Fukushima, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Chiba after the accident in Number One Fukushima nuclear power plant. But on the 13th this month (April) a policy to strengthen further regulations on importing food from Japan was disclosed and the content was published on the 16th.

In addition to marine items such as fish etc. from the three prefectures and one capital: Miyagi, Iwate, Tokyo and Aichi, it was supposed that checks on radioactive materials would be required for tea items from Shizuoka Ehime, and also for infant food from Miyagi: new checking for radioactive material on certain food imported from some area was mandatory.

Also, for all the food imported from Japan, an attachment of a certificate of origin issued by individual prefecture would be required. It was assumed that this new regulation would be put into effect by the health authority starting from the 15th next month.

In Taiwan last month it was found out that some of the imported processed food in circulation was made in the five suspended Japanese prefectures. The voice from consumer organizations asking for the introduction of new regulations was strengthened.

In response to that, on the Japanese side it was assumed that food safety would be secured. Regarding the Taiwanese side there was the idea to ask them to rely on scientific basis in making a response.

Among the related Japanese people the voice of worry had come out. Because of the enforcement of the concerned regulations, Japanese marine, agricultural and forestry product together with food products would become expensive and lose the competitive power.

   I hope the regulations could better protect the health of the Taiwanese people.

