2014年9月18日 星期四


A few days ago the FNN News on-line reported the following:

iPS細胞使った移植手術成功 山中伸弥教授「最初の成果出た日」

09/12 22:04
高橋リーダーらは今後、患者の容態を見ながら、視力の定価が抑えられたかなど、効果を検証する予定。 (関西テレビ)


The world's first transplant surgery using iPS cells was performed and succeeded.

Masayo Takahashi the project leader of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research said that "when thinking of passing on an answer to a patient that has been expected, hoped for, and thought of is a moment full of delight".

The research group with Masayo Takahashi as the project leader conducted the operation of transplanting the cells made from iPS cells to become a part of the eye’s retina of a female patient who lived in Hyogo Prefecture.

It was the first in the world that cells made from iPS cells were transplanted to a human body.

It was said that patient’s situation after the operation was fine.

Kyoto University Professor Shinya Yamanaka also gave an interview in response to the success of the operation.

Professor Shinya Yamanaka said that "it is talking about the true potential power of Takahashi's team; I consider it is the day which the first result comes out". For Takahashi leaders, from now on the plan would be to look at the patient's condition, to see whether the price of vision could be suppressed etc., and to verify the effects.

It is good news for the eye-patients in Japan.

