2014年2月24日 星期一


Recently the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:



   香港英文報紙“南華早報”7日報導,界衛生組織( WHO )在2012年世界各地發現14萬宗癌症病例, 其中3,070,000宗或21.8 %是在中國發現。肺癌是世界上最普遍的癌症,約有1 /3以上的患者是在中國被確診。有一個觀點認為長期空氣污染和吸煙習慣可能是原因。

   根據2012年的統計,在中國於死於癌症的人數上升至約2,200,000人,相等於全球的26.9 %。在中國除了肺癌外 食道癌和胃癌也非常普遍。

   在中國日常生活中, 因為擔心空氣污染而造成健康損害經常引起不安。在一個濃霧閉天的日子裏呼吸到一些外來物質時,無可避免地會令胃部感覺到不適。在中國各種菜色也往往是多油,並有一個不留意一般衛生的傾向。應該怎樣再注意生活方式是一個被受關注的問題。

In Hong Kong on the 7th an English newspaper the" South China Morning Post" reported the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO) which showed that 14 million cancer cases were found all over the world in 2012 and among them 21.8% or 3,070,000 cases were diagnosed in China. For lung cancer, as the most popular disease in the world, about 1/3 or more patients were confirmed in China; there was a view that the long-term air pollution and the custom of smoking might serve as a background.

According to the statistics, the people who died of cancer in China in 2012 went up to about 2,200,000 people, being equal to 26.9% of the whole world. In China it was said that besides lung cancer the esophagus cancer and the stomach cancer were also very common.

In China a thing that was causing uneasy feeling in the daily life was the health impairment caused by air pollution. For sure, when breathing in some foreign substance in a very misty day, the stomach could become unpleasant. Chinese food also tended to have much oil, and there was a tendency to be careless in health generally: there was a question on how to pay attention to the lifestyle further.
[Satoshi Kudo]

I think, through this WHO’s report, nature is sending a clear message to those who fail to respect their environment. On the subject of nature, some words of wisdom  are quoted for sharing:

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 -1832): There is no trifling with nature; it is always true, grave and severe; it is always in the light, and the faults and errors fall to our share. It defies incompetence, but reveals its secrets to the competent, the truthful, and the pure.

Thomas H. Huxley (1825 -1895): The chessboard is the world, the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call laws of nature.

George Washington Carver (1864-1943): I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.

